This post perfectly represents the mets every year. Pointless and funny

The only problem I have with no restrictions is that people will abuse it for prestige stats.
I think people had expectations that were way too high for content. I think people wanted it to be better than 19, which is just not going to happen. I agree with the braves players. However, I don't blame SDS for Kluber and newhhouser. There will be cards that are better than them in a month or two (hopefully). Even if it is annoying, we were the ones who wanted there to be pitcher selection rather than roulette.
@MFundercover said in I'm done with this game:
@Nanthrax_1 said in I'm done with this game:
@MFundercover said in I'm done with this game:
@Nanthrax_1 said in I'm done with this game:
@MFundercover said in I'm done with this game:
@Kovz88 said in I'm done with this game:
@MFundercover said in I'm done with this game:
@pbake12 said in I'm done with this game:
@MFundercover said in I'm done with this game:
@Ikasnu said in I'm done with this game:
I was getting to the point where I was getting absurdly frustrated with the game to the point I wanted to stop playing. My only goal in the game was Mickey Mantle at that point but still didn't want to play.
Then I stopped caring and started playing because its Baseball. Immediately went back to enjoying the game.
Idk how anyone can enjoy this product. Seriously one of the worst video games I've ever played.
Oh look, fastball right down the [censored] middle. I don't even move the pci, get "good" timing, and popup result? The outcome is entirely generated by the cpu.
You using directional hitting?
Edit: Just won a couple BR games in a row, I hit EVERYTHING. Even balls I shouldn't have. Then played a game where good times fastballs down the middle were popped out. NOTHING was a hit even when I squared up. Meanwhile my opponent was smashing okay-just early's and replaying the HR. Garbage product.
I'll use the most basic argument, if it was determined by the cpu then the same people wouldn't be top players every year. If you don't enjoy the game thats fine man, we aren't gonna convince you to but you're not gonna convince those of us that do enjoy it to stop playing either.
It's not hard to when you spend 5 grand on the game and play it like you have no life outside the game.
You're playing a game you clearly hate, going on it's forum to tell everyone "you're done with the game", only to not be done with the game, then telling people they have no lives outside the game..
I feel for ya buddy. Must have it rough. Hugs are free todayWhat are you talking about? People who play 8+ hours a day every day probably dont have much going on. Bad deflection by you.
People who come on forums to tell people they are done with a game they hate, only to not be done are starving for attention and have zero going on.
No deflection friend.. just hugsNo, I'm definitely done with this game. MLB 04 had better gameplay than this.
You said that earlier then you played BR. You also lied about feedback. If you actually want to quit, fine go ahead. It's perfectly fine. But you just want attention.
This looks great. Did you get permission to return to the office?
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Free pack!!:
@backerrrr44 said in Free pack!!:
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Free pack!!:
I'm not sure which game you're playing, but if you're talking about MLB The Show 20 I couldn't possibly disagree with you more. This year's game is brilliant!
From what I have seen in the Community Market, there are thousands of active players at any one moment. It's not evidence, just an impression, but everything this year seems so much more active and busy than last year...
...although, sadly that increase in activity is also reflected in the absolute downpour of players who feel entitled to success, etc. To those people, I would say simply that perhaps you should stop playing. The aggravation with which you're dealing is negatively impacting your life, but not just your life, the enjoyment of others is tarnished by those who must wade through the seas of bile in the forums in order to reach delightful archipelagos of adult discussion.
Chill out lmao
If you don't have anything substantive to write in response, why bother with the boilerplate "chill out" (or similar sentiment) in reply? I'm not in any way agitated by anything in this thread (or any other). Attempting to pigeon-hole my response as some sort of rant is dishonest and beneath most people. I hope (for your sake) that such dishonesty is beneath you.
If you have counterpoints to anything I've written on this or any other subject then I would be very interested in reading them. Discussions between people who encounter similar stimuli but have widely different reactions can be very informative and even enjoyable. Writing a response which is little more, in effect, than saying, "I have no response at this time. Have this dishonest jab while I think of something or wait for the thread to go away".... is just pointless.
As a species, our ability to discuss information and ideas, to share differing viewpoints, etc... is degrading, some say atrophying. To my way of thinking, few skills are more important than communicating openly and honestly with other members of society.
Ok dude. So you don’t care about good okays in the pci? You don’t care that perfect release pitches automatically go down the middle? You don’t care that AFTER TWO PATCHES, FIELDERS STILL CANNOT LOCK ON TO BALLS.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a fun game to play and the content is fantastic, but the gameplay is so bad that you can compare to 18. -
I would play mto so much more, they just have to make playoffs shorter and make momentum matter during postseason.
I agree. 90 mph in AA is same as 90 in mlb
@SpiceHarperK2 said in Gavin Lux starting pitcher?!:
What?! Has he ever pitched in his life?
It's a glitch. They have probably fixed it by now so by release it will be fine.
@JChilds213 said in I'm done with this game:
@Nanthrax_1 said in I'm done with this game:
@JChilds213 said in I'm done with this game:
@Nanthrax_1 said in I'm done with this game:
The biggest issue I find is this guy had 13 total posts on this forum...
Comes on here to start a thread that he's done with the game...
How starving for attention do you need to get.. that's my gripe. Even if you were a big contributor on here, still just move on and don't post to announce your exit..
Just quit playing and go about your life..Then to make matters worse, he stays (big surprise)
Can you explain this ?
Why? And what does this have to do with anything at all?
You say people are crying for attention when this game is highly flawed til you have a explantation on improving the game you should not comment here bud
Who said the game was good? We are just pointing out someone who is not giving constructive criticism and is going back on what he said..
@cardinals588 said in Fix.This.Game.:
Nothing is wrong with the game. If you cannot play it,play another game.
The game is still fun. But it is broken beyond belief
Us Yankee fans miss him SO MUCH
Nope. Sure some moments are difficult to complete, but you can get great rewards. You can get about 3000 stubs, 10k XP and an 89 Andre Dawson from doing fairly easy missions. He's never going to make the team, but I will never complain about a free diamond when it's that easy.
we want these cards because some are very good. We want to be prepared for stage 3 asap. We get xp and stubs. And also we might need to collect a lot of them for whenever honus comes out
@Paladin2MP said in I hate Showdown.:
@gavithegavster2 said in I hate Showdown.:
Showdown is frustrating but I still like it because you get great rewards. Also, 2/3 of ur rating is nice
Jesus only a 15 year old would say that.
Correct. I am 15 lol
Thank you for explaining how online gaming works
@jz2016cubs said in What is Flipping?:
@MathMan5072 said in What is Flipping?:
Everyone has different strategies. I started with bronze and silvers because they are low risk. If you follow the market, you can start taking bigger risks. So, what I would do is put in 50 orders for different silver cards and then once they went though, sell them. If I average 100 per card, that’s 5000 stubs. Many here can make way more than that, but no one wants to share their secrets.
Ok. In the DD menu, is that what the trends chart is for? If I see something on the bottom of the rising, I should grab it and then hope the demand continues?
Don't focus on trends. You just need to start doing it then you will get the hang of it.
@aaronjw76 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
Looks fixed for sure...
The first clip is bad for SDS. But second, was a bronze fielder in the outfield
Online is just a horrible experience
SDS Should have 2 Events Going at Once
Favorite Baseball Movie
Anyone else bored of the content?
I'm done with this game
Update 1.13 Discussion
Free pack!!
I beat MTO for every team! (All-Star)
Universal Pitch Speeds
Gavin Lux starting pitcher?!
I'm done with this game
This game is so much better than 19 and 18
It's Didi Eve!!
Guys That Rushed for 5 or 6 TA2 Players Already
I hate Showdown.
I only get play the games a lose
What is Flipping?
1.09 Patch Discussion