Here we go again. When the hell are you gonna stabilize the server? 100 years later?
At this rate, SDS really needs a refund.
Checking the server doesn't improve at all.
SDS really doesn't seem to have any room for improvement or technology.
I just want you to hand over theshow somewhere else. -
Should Sony get off at the store like it did in cyberpunk?Since its launch, The Show hasn't been able to run without a single day of inspection. I don't know what's different from cyberpunk anymore.
It's only been a week, but the server hasn't been normal all week, and I haven't tried anything, can I get a refund? I really want to sue you.
@a_perfectgame said in Stop complaining about servers:
Seriously. It’s old. It’s obviously improving and it’s been way worse in past years you guys are not veterans if you think this is the worst launch. The game just added millions of people I honestly expected way worse. At least when they stabilize we have a dope game to play...and they will stabilize over time. Be patient. Play March to October. Relax. It’s not that big of a deal. I have a ton of server connection losses who TF cares? If you are good in the gameplay you will over come it.
I don't know how veteran you are, but you shouldn't have told anyone you're not a veteran, I started The Show 06, at least I think I've outperformed you, but I paid $100 and that's not a small amount of money.
I think we have a right to criticize the current issue. -
I don't know how veteran you are, but you shouldn't have told anyone you're not a veteran, I started The Show 06, at least I think I've outperformed you, but I paid $100 and that's not a small amount of money.
I think we have a right to criticize the current issue. -
I'm having a terrible server problem. SDS doesn't know if there's any room for improvement or if they know a lot of RTTS bugs, and I don't know if they've tested and released them.
Can't I get a refund? This is the worst The Show ever, and I don't want to do it anymore. I'm angry that there's no change, but there's no point in playing games because of the server problem every day.
created player Even if you hit a hit or a home run in DD mode, the parallel EXP doesn't increase, is it a bug?Or am I wrong about something?
@DriveByTrucker17 said in showdown fXXX disgusting:
Showdown is not hard
I am a beginner I feel hard. they're have no interest in beginners. It is a game that stresses me out
@DeckerCurtis2002 said in showdown fXXX disgusting:
So you think everyone should get a consolation prize if they fail?
If I fail in the middle, I hope I can at least reward for successful mission until then.
showdown fXXX disgusting Showdown is so disgusting that I think it's a Level Design failure. If it fails, we have to start over and over again with 500 stubs and no reward. I didn't care about beginners at all. This is why can't be the best seller.
Server Down
I don't know what's different from cyberpunk anymore.
Stop complaining about servers
Stop complaining about servers
Not even cyberpunk2077, but I think this show is a bad game.
ball player
showdown fXXX disgusting
showdown fXXX disgusting
showdown fXXX disgusting