Now thats just unhealthy...thats how the playstation dies fast and big fat electric bill.

Bro I play wired ( not providing my internet services) every year we provide ya all this [censored] money ya ask for why in the f*** do we have to suffer like this...back in the day these glitchy freeze offs was every now and then NOW THIS [censored] IS GUARANTEED ONCE PER DAY !
Bro and its always when im winning so something doesnt add up SDS ...I never ever go on community forums to complain but damnit ya really shitted on us fans this year especially the PlayStation users...[censored] adding new cards FIX YOUR [censored] SERVERS FIRST AND PATCH THIS CHEATING [censored] SINCERELY SOMEONE THAT'S BEEN PLAYIN MLB THE SHOW SINCE IT CAME OUT !
Make MLB The Show Great Again
Not gonna lie man not to discriminate na screw it I am SDS ya should of never made this cross plat and for all you butthurt xbox players thats gonna say just take the cross play off yes believe me ALOT of us PlayStation users did.
But its only been 1 month and since u guys been able to play our game its been nothing but doom and gloom.
This is why 2k stopped making Baseball games for ya because lets just be honest ya are infamously known for being cheaters , hackers , and glitchers and the one game I play with ya it literally I still go through BS with playstation users but when I had cross plat on and faced ya man it was always something....
SDS please end cross plat and just make xbox players either connect to them only or just drop xbox and make Diamond Dynasty great again
You can freeze the game....literally if u spam throwing in the dirt or spam checking a runner at a base it can freeze...just spamming something for a animation can freeze it..besides the people that know other ways of doing it but wont admit
We could of got something like those 3 or those offense to Troy , Dennis , or Grady...who I think is a bit overrated because he got a few good seasons before injuries took him away early...MLB when you give us bosses can it be people who either was barely available on DD or just just 3 complete brand new players to the game...not recycled cards like we already have a sizemore and dennis card prior to their boss more creative SDS we had a lot of men play MLB. I know ya can do more than just recycle cards...
I get that dragon im just saying what's more fun grinding for a card that isn't in the game at all or grinding for a buffer version of the card....either answer is up to the person but man no way you telling me every month they can't get 3 new guys to give them positive they have players rights they aint used yet and they just hoardering it...because who seriously was hyped for Troy or Dennis....Grady I can understand but cmon give me a Ryan Howard or a Manny something thats a big name ya know..
Team affinity...go to programs then go to team affinity AL Central...tbh just have a player keep milking innings and u get him easy or do some missions...but that is how u get him
So I literally played back to back games where guys bunted to score runs...the first one I quit because literally as I pitched my pitch froze and he bunted to second base with a pitcher and my second basemen over ran the ball which scored him 2 runs..I was like alright man take it.
Now this game hapoens very similar now im in a freeze off...does SDS not want me to play today ?
Ya gonna let me face back to back opponents that scored off of bunts then put me in a freeze off ? For what lol.
This why I took a whole month and a half off from this game...the mechanics and servers are just awful...
Freeze off suggestions?
Freeze offs
People who freeze the game
Manny Ramirez , Ryan Howard , Doc Gooden
Manny Ramirez , Ryan Howard , Doc Gooden
How do you unlock 96 overall Garrett Crochet?
Thought SDS patched the freeze offs