Has anyone noticed a strange thing where every generic rookie has Generic Pitching Motion 1? I know there’s a glitch where it sometimes says Generic 1 for batters but they do actually have unique stances. However, every rookie pitcher I have seen in game actually has generic pitching motion 1 and I don’t ever remember it being like that in the past. Am I off on this?
Is it just an oversight that the post season score bug does not show the series status (i.e. Braves lead 2-1)
I am pretty sure this was in previous years. It shows it on certain screens like replay but I do not ever see it on the score board and was wondering why. -
Small cosmetic issue but I wish the parallel upgrades changed the overall on the diamond logo instead of just showing a +1 underneath as if it’s just a matchup boost. Especially since it’s not just a temporary boost.
Is the 9 win diamond reward in BR always a certain overall or can it be any live series diamond? Just had Yelich pop up as my potential reward and was surprised, I thought it would only be an 85 or 86 tier player.
Would love to see the WBC implemented next year. Could be it’s own mode, or worked into both franchise and RTTS
For the record Grady Sizemore, David Wright, and Ryan Howard would be 3 that I would like to see
Don’t remember how many legends were released post release last year. Anybody have an idea if we should expect some more this year?
Not sure if it’s a bug or a glitch but the cpu just wears random uniforms in Showdown that usually have my logos on the random looking uniforms? I remember this happening in moments sometimes last year and it’s really strange. Sometimes there’s just random logos all together. I don’t even remember the uniforms they used to wear before this started happening
@Trudgeon said in Blue circle under opponent’s defenders:
It is weird but I kinda like seeing what badge their defenders have. The blue circle no
Either way I wish you could turn it off if you wanted to
What’s up with the blue circle under the opponent’s defenders after the 1.05 update? It’s really annoying and I think there should at least be a way to turn it off.
@ryansitko11 said in New Card Rarities (differentiate the better diamonds):
Eh, personally it doesn't really matter to me. As far as pack odds go, I think the higher rated diamonds are already harder to pull (e.g. prospect packs), so it would really just be a cosmetic thing. I wouldn't mind either way, but I'll say no because that's what 2K does, and 2K is absolute garbage
I agree it would be cosmetic, pack odds could certainly play into it. I wouldn’t mind more transparency regarding the odds in a pack.
@ImDFC said in New Card Rarities (differentiate the better diamonds):
I suggested that replacing the 85-89 range as something like Platinum or Emerald, and got a lot of negative posts 'round these parts
Well, I’m on your side. I understand they want the best live series players to be diamond, but that’s why I would suggest leaving that as diamond and having the signature series, etc as something different. An 85 Jose Ramirez and a 99 Mickey Mantle are nowhere near the same level card.
I know this might be a conversation better suited for a few months from now, but I’ve thought for a while now that there should be more rarities of cards. I wasn’t a big fan of the decision to change the scale a few years back to 85-99 being diamond, but I understand the logic behind it. The way diamond dynasty is currently, I really think there’s a need to differentiate the classes of cards better. Currently, bronze, silver, and gold all span 5 overall points.(70-74, 75-79. 80-84) Diamond spans 15(85-99). In my opinion, an 85 and a 99 aren’t close to the same class of card, and I would love a system that differentiates between them. The introduction of prestige diamonds to me gives an opportunity to create at least 1(if not 2) new classes of diamonds. Call them ruby, emerald, or just different color diamonds. I’d love to see 90-94 and 95-99 differentiated with their own classes above just a regular diamond being 85-89. Again, obviously this isn’t extremely important and I understand the game has bigger problems, but I think it could be a nice concept to build around next year. Thoughts?
@sandule said in Logos disappearing:
Yes mine disappear all the time. I've pretty much given up on it.
Don’t understand why this hasn’t been addressed. I’ve barely seen any other complaints so I wasn’t sure if it was common.
Do all your team’s logos randomly disappear in some games? Very annoying bug that continues to happen at random times to me.
@louieepthree said in Showdown offline?:
Nope. Cuz its in the Diamond Dynasty section.. I lost connection 1 time and got a L.
Doesn’t moments have a tab both inside and outside of DD? Wish they could do this for showdown as well
Anyone know if showdown can be played offline and then rewards activated when you get back online, like you can for March to October?
I’ve always loved mlb the show for the little things and a lot of stadiums getting correct sponsors is a great addition. I’ve noticed the Coca Cola bottle in Oracle Park, Chick fil a cow in Truist, chick fil a foul poles in Minute Maid, Delta sign in right center at Yankee Stadium, and GM fountain correct in Comerica. I’m sure there’s some others I haven’t noticed yet as well? Anyways, just love this addition.
Anyone else miss when it showed you the player card when a pitcher came out of the bullpen in DD? Now it just shows the pout he velocities, but you have to go to the pause menu to see which version of a card you’re facing. I love how you can see the hitter card if you hold R2, and I would like to see the pitcher cards again.
Encountered what I think is a bug where all my logos don’t show up sometimes when I get into a game and have to play the game with blank uniforms.
Generic Motion 1 for All Created Rookies
Postseason score bug no series score?
Parallel Player Rating
Rewards in Battle Royale
World Baseball Classic
New legends
New legends
Showdown CPU Uniforms
Blue circle under opponent’s defenders
Blue circle under opponent’s defenders
New Card Rarities (differentiate the better diamonds)
New Card Rarities (differentiate the better diamonds)
New Card Rarities (differentiate the better diamonds)
Logos disappearing
Logos disappearing
Showdown offline?
Showdown offline?
Big sponsors correct in stadiums now
Pitcher Entrance DD Cards
Logos not showing up sometimes