Should I trade my car in for a horse as well?

I played one of the worst ones I have seen last night. I mean it's like a 5 year old made it. Reminded me what I would have built with Legos when I was a kid.
Can we get a option to block them at least SDS? Please?
Or maybe some quality control. Like a approval process.
Who is a man child at SDS who is turning this game into Minecraft?
I have seen a couple that were ok but most of them are horrible. I'd be embarrassed to make other people play at these clown town stadiums. What's worse is they allow them in online rated. Sucks the immersion right out of the game.
Such a waste a space. Wish there was a option to block them.
Don't get me started on the jerseys in DD. Helen Keller would be proud.
You're 50 -30 the game isn't too hard.
I'm new to this game but why is online rated so neglected.
Without pausing can't see batter stats . Really annoying.
Can't change uniform
Can't see players record before game starts
Can't see what team you are matched with before it starts . So sick of playing the Dodgers, padres and Yankees.
Stats are from last year on players. So is the record.
I get DD meth carrot stick is the money maker but give online rated some love.
Wish I could make millions by not doing my job.
Just know they are losers in real life as well.
I mainly play online rated but am trying to get into DD and I can see how this could drive people insane lol. Some serious try hards in this game.
Had a freeze off today and I had to make kids lunch so I thought alright I'll play along and a hour later this guy was still waiting . That's dedication.
What causes these freezes and why can't sds make it a draw or not count ?
If SDS responds I'll start drinking again.
Best one I ever saw on battlefield 4 was a unicorn pooping out rainbows . I still laugh about that one.
My favorite is you get the same team ( I use Phillies) ask for a friendly quit. I messaged him on Xbox to FQ as well. Nope. Then I get up 3 on him and he quits.
@hustlinowl_psn said in HOF Question(s):
lol you lost welcome to baseball it happens no need to write a book about your perceived injustices
Are you always a clown or just 9 to 5?
Thursday day will go pretty fast but after 6 or so it's gonna feel like forever for the clock to hit 12 am.
Who is tired of giving up bombs from 100 mph painted FBs up and in and even out of the zone. Then they hit a painted offspeed down and in or away below the zone out of the park. Don't even talk about putting it near the middle . Holy [censored] don't do that.
This [censored] is crazy. I used to be a good pitcher. Never had to sweat great pitches so much and be pissed so often when I put it exactly where I wanted because it's a dinger.
What are you crying about?
Needs a option to block created stadiums.
Gameplay is better . Really have to be careful with pitching and be patient as hell to hit well.
The expiring cards combined with the crazy grinds to get them is a downgrade. Especially if you prefer theme teams.
The created stadiums and these clown cards are poo poo.
SDS trying to be like the government and make you pay/work more for less.
What's annoying is it should at least give you a 88 team then decide what to do.
I have won and lost because the catcher pulls off the bag when there is no reason for him to do so.
Is this a known issue?
Can we get a option to block created stadiums in ranked?
Can we get a option to block created stadiums in ranked?
I hate your created stadiums
This game is too hard
Online rated is the red headed step child
DeGrom 60 day IL
Currently in a ‘freeze’ off vs the rated ranked 4 guy..
This game is atrocious…
Online rated
When do they start banning inapproporate logos?
Everything Online Rated 2023
HOF Question(s)
The wait is killing me .
Can't be the only one
Cry babies
Just stop it…
I just want the old mlb the show back
What A Letdown
Event Restrictions
Catcher off the bag