There’s no way Garrett Crochett is pitching 102 in the ninth when he has over 100 pitches in ranked. It shouldn’t be happening. It makes ranked very frustrating to play on. Please fix this along with so many other things that are wrong with this game!!! Very tired of the [censored]

Just like last year, I play a lot of conquest and RS! I’m getting a lot more wins this year because of the influx of Xbox players but now I’m in the 675-715 range which means you have to play on HOF which is not fun imo but yeah, I love the USA MAP because it gives you a chance to parallel your players and you get prospect packs that are going for a decent amount of stubs!
Well you could keep him to start the yankee collection. Finish it and u get that really good posada
I’m not the best hitter and even I am batting over .300 with him online. I had rookie Albert prestige 4 at 3rd and put Sheffield there and he will stay there for awhile. I liked the breakout TA marlin card of his offline so yes, I’m excited to keep using him as well!!!
It’s bad and toxic. If you get the pci on the ball, most of the time it’s a pop fly. It’s crazy. Most of the time ppl are holding R2 while you pitch or if they can’t hit you, they will exploit the game and just bunt. Thankfully SDS put out a lot of offline content u can grind. Ranked seasons urk me like no other. I feel you man
There’s not a lot of 2B options this year and I owned 3 Robinson Cano cards last year. I loved his swing. I’m guessing a lot of it has to do with the suspension but at least one card would be nice!
Same! I’m 3-2 but it claims under “win rewards” that I have only one win. When I go to the standings for the current season it says 3-2. I’m not winning 80 games to get this Kyle Seager!!!!!
I started Vladdy and Frank Thomas, but nobody has hit better for me than the white Sox collection reward in Paul Konerko. He rakes
That’s what I thought. I never heard one player when I played in 20. It makes no sense because you can’t start a party chat when you are playing a cross platform match. Whack
In DD, when a friend joins a game under “play with friends” we can’t hear each other. In the tech test we could hear each other. This is the only game ever where I couldn’t hear my friend and I was looking forward to clipping our reactions via ps5. Please help if you can.
Have you changed how you play 21 vs 20?
Gerrit Cole
May Daily Moments Gary Sheffield
This Game is Bad.
SDS, is Robinson Cano coming back?
Suggestions at 1st/3rd
I can’t hear friends?!?!
I can’t hear friends?!?!