Anyone who is experiencing a “connection error” are you using the router and modem your internet provider provided you or do you have your own?
Also, just to add to my previous post, I know my wifi is not the problem because I opened up the Show '19 and tried to play a game on RS there and I had zero issues. I have to believe the servers at SDS for the Show '20 is the issue. This truly sucks. The Show is literally the only game I play.
I can relate with literally everyone here. Totally sucks! The odd thing is I had much much slower internet and this problem never happened. Now that I upgraded my internet, I’ve had lost connections almost every 10-15 minutes. My internet provider (spectrum) has informed me multiple times they are not the problem. Please SDS, help out.
Sucks this is happening to you but I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one experiencing this. I can’t even get through a game of conquest. After countless hours of being on hold, my internet provider assured me it’s not my connection. My guess? The SDS servers. But who really knows. This issue has basically made the game unplayable for me as I can only play offline mode... lame.
Connection Error
Network Error help
Network Error help
Network errors