Opening day when I played the 4 days early hitting felt amazing

It is clearly obvious,you might as well quit tho I waited 72 hours 1 time outta the 2 times was talking to sds they was like opps sorry. Best thing you can do is find every 1 batting 140 eith a 5 Era playing with the yanks and Block those 8-10 accounts.
I'm just gonna be that guy that says it should be your personal choice to wear a mask. And point out that this came from a country where all they do is wear mask and my common sense says it didnt help there why would it hear but by all means do what makes you feel safe I support every1s freedom of choice
I use cubs for about 99% of my online games over the past 5 years but I'm cubs fan and honestly they bullpen is terrible this year but i been Cubs fan since the sosa days. If people are useing there fav team and they happen be good I cant get mad at em. Dodgers are my 2 legit losses they can hit and hit and hit.. especially turner I cant get the man out.
You are so uneducated in the topic I cannot engage you so I'll say I respect how you feel & if you want to explain how well the mask worked in the country it came from. And haha no it is not based on any scientific evidence but all of you that belive that wear 1
I know if you quit you shoudlnt be allowed in world series lv. Ever. But at least not that ranked season. Quitting is weak sauce added to an Lburger.
Let's start with the fact that on 60 mins dr Fauci said mask only help you mentally.. or that in the new England medical journal its stated that the overall consequences of this virus is like that of the seasonal influenza. The fact weve never wore mask b4 for any virus or flu.. the fact that the country this spread outta of wear mask all the time isnt that common sense they do not protect you? They dont have a seal on your face air can get around. The fact that in an actual scientific study that 80%ofrespority droplets went thru the mask dr john bregman, The fact that breathing your own co2 overlong periods of time is not healthy.. the fact the virus can enter thru the eyes the fact that who and the cdc have been wrong on everything basically so far down to hand sanitizers which now 14 brands are being recalled for toxicity. The fact you dont understand why your body gets sick is actually from the inside dr andrew kaufman. The fact that the real keys to being healthy is a strong immune system. The fact in over 80 degree weather the virus dies in around a half hour I could really go on and on on the facts and figures of the whole thing. I tried to be nice and respectful of your opinion even after you called me names. But I told you your lack of understanding on the topic and the fact you clearly have a strong opinion to wear mask is why I say by all means if it helps you mentally go for it. There is cross contamination concerns just watch 1 person n a mask fiddle with it. If you wear a mask and I dont arent you protected? Lastly you win the argument of mask and I'll wear 1 everyday if you explain to me how it came from china and Chinese people wear mask out in public for years now so how are they effective in protecting me or you?. That's why I will stick to my original statement of it should be a personal choice bc it truly only gives you false confidence that you are safe. They only way to be safe is a strong immune system. But you just awnser the china question for me
Hey SDS b4 any more updates to the game. How bout getting some servers that actually work or figuring out why so many games are ending in disconnectthis year. I personally have 8 real losses 10 kickouts in 360 games. I had 11 kickouts last year in roughly 1025 games. I encourage every 1 to look at online rated leaderboards and just scroll over to disconnected games one guy has 37 in 186 games. Some 1 had 46 in like 207games. You can say it's my internet or their internet. But it cant be everyone internet at some point it's on the servers we play on. Just go take a look at the stats. I've never seen it so bad. I love the show but I I absolutely hate getting disconnected. I expect an occasional one. I won 174 games in a row last years version online so they worked then. This year I swear It appears to be worse than ever. Fix/ upgrade the servers and the game is pretty great give or take a few issues and If you get more solid servers people will like the game better be more inclined to reccomend it to a friend be more inclined to buy stubs. I'd rate the show in its current state a 5. Day 1-4 felt like it was a 9.
As a Cubs fan, the reds do look pretty strong and like the guy mentioned the white Sox. But ima go out on a sleeper limb and say the padres will fight for a playoff spot.
Kyle scwarbbarrrrrrr... I say it everything I go deep on the game. I love lhp batters they always have the best looking swing when they go deep think bonds griffey
Was a great game.. I remember
I have 3 missing according to game history in online rated. I got the points but not the wins. I found it out when I noticed 1 and looked and found 3 I was
Yea 8-10 I'd name em all but then I get banned and blocking them has worked for me , and it's not just this year I can confirm this goes back to 16 and he's had many many accounts and yes I've got the msgs in the past as well so have my buddies. Many have quit playing over the years bc he steals there fun.. dude claimed in 16 he had 4 ps4s but I totally agree a console ban is needed.
Why do I keep playing?
Currently in a ‘freeze’ off vs the rated ranked 4 guy..
To sports fans against wearing masks
Online Rated Leaderboard Updated
To sports fans against wearing masks
To sports fans against wearing masks
Servers need work.
Who will be your teams DH this year (NL teams)
MLB schedule thoughts and sleeper teams to make playoffs
Who's your favorite active player
Triple play baseball 2001
anyone else missing W's from events last night?!
Currently in a ‘freeze’ off vs the rated ranked 4 guy..