The velocity on HOF isnt the problem, its the crazy Change of speeds. Facing Verlander on HOF is harder than legend. The circle change and cutter aren’t drastically different on Legend, whereas the circle change on HOF is hilariously slow compared to the outlier FB.

In a freeze off for my WS game… what happens if this goes on for another 15 minutes, will it close the game for the rank reset, will I get the rewards, will I get the ranked points from where the reset starts? Also he froze me bc I came back from 4-0.
If you go 12-0 and drafted a while ago do you still get the new rewards or just the rewards you got when you drafted?
Coming from an xbox player who begged for the show for years and played mlb2k13, I am so satisfied. After playing games like call of duty, 2k and madden all my life, this company cares for their game, unlike every other sports game. Clear effort to improve the game every year and incredible amounts of content all the time. I might sound like a suck up, but SDS is easily the best studio for sports games.
I have an issue with the AL Central team affinity, I have done all 20 points worth of moments, the collection for 10 points, and it says i have 26 points. I have since done more exchanges to get the 30 points, but I would like the 4 points I earned for the program or I can’t finish TA and get ohtani. Is this ticket eligible and if so how do I do it.
Even if the points are. A visual glitch and are worth 3 like some divisions I would end up with 25 and I have 26
I have done all the moments (5 moments for 4 points a piece: 20) and the flashbacks and legends collection (10 points) in the AL central and it says i have 26 TA points currently, hopefully this gets fixed quickly.
@dap1234567890 said in New potm date:
I'd guess either the 4th or the 11th.
Last month they released it two days before the inning program. any chance they surprise drop it on the second?
When is the next potm set coming out? The new schedule does go to the fourth, which is when I thought it would come out, but maybe they don’t want it to drop with the third inning? I hope they drop it on the fourth, but any guesses?
I have to say…HOF pitch speeds are ridiculous
Freeze off
SDS cares
How do you put in a ticket?
Al central points not tracking
Al central points not tracking
New potm date
New potm date