EA isn’t that shady? lol okay. I’ve play FUT 12-21 and I never packed a gold or special version of Ronaldo, Messi, or Neymar. Nor have I ever packed an icon (legend). $100 in fifa gets you f**k all. Maybe a few 84-87 if you’re lucky. SDS pack odds are WAY better than EAids

Nice. I’m over here still waiting on my first diamond. All 20 preorder packs resulted in one gold along with all of the rewards from all of the conquests. Is a chase pack included in a pack? I haven’t found one yet either.
Acuna is a beast!
I enjoyed being able to work on TA for the 42 series right out the gate last year. Now, we need to grind XP for what used to be the inning program to not have a choice in which players we receive for the non-sellables. Out of the 30 cards, we only get 12 for free, and have to buy the other 18 for the collection. Last year, it was 30 non-sellable and 10 you had to buy (minus the one or two from preorder).
Edit: oh and I forgot. There were a ton of packs for each TA division as well. The grind this year is only for the XP inning program … and I guess the mini seasons that no one can complete - I won two but I’m showing 0-2.
$100 spent for 1 Diamond
Productive night last night
New program has absolutely killed NMS