Why has hitting been so garbage lately?? It's not even fun to play anymore ... I get the RNG and all that but it's just awful right now .... hitting balls dead on all warning track ... I don't expect a hr everytime but throw some ground balls for fucks sake . Where's there some secret hitting update or some [censored] I wasn't aware about ?

So are we getting Brantley, Altuve , or Correa next month?
Any special type of way that I'm not aware about to stop the bunt other than bunt defense ?! Alot of these extra innings games people are bunting to move the runner over to 3rd , and I have my defense set on bunt defense, and it seems like anybody can drop a bunt . Just lost a BR game because he got a bunt with Salvador Perez and the runner from 3rd came in , I had bunt defense on . Idk what else to do . And it seems like Joey Gallo is always bunting to left field also lol like wtf
When I attempt to steal a base , it does some wierd glitch where he stops for a second and keeps going . And of course it's an out everytime . Anybody else experiencing this ?
Still can't log in and play DD
Yessss . I thought my controller was messed up and about to go buy a new one ! It was doing it earlier on when the game came out but they fixed it . It's doing it again
Good/okay. comeback logic. trash .
@WillTheThrill_7 said in WS rewards:
Thing is, the overalls aren’t the problem. It’s great we aren’t getting 99’s. But having a 97 May (Meaning In 3 years he will be better than Glavine in his best seasons) and then an offensively one dimensional Griffey don’t seem like the moves here.
Agree 100% ... first time ever that im.not going to pick up Griffey when available and that's a shame . Already got Reggie , Mantle , and Scheffield . If he had more power vs leftys I would use him .
@louieepthree said in WS rewards:
Did anyone pick up that Britton card last season?
I did... sold it for 80k , o was doing good with Wagner, chapman , and that diamond Garret card
Does anybody else feel like this years WS rewards have been underwhelming to say the least ? Like this is the rewards we get for busting [censored] and making WS ? Everybody who makes WS this season knows that Griff wont have a place in anybody's lineups , not even on the bench . This card wouldve been a good program card for guys who could actually use him . It's sad I'll be chosing a future all star pitcher instead of Griff lol it sucks . I just want to start seeing some 98s and 99s for us WS guys who deserve something better .
It's going to be fun watching XBOX and PC players talk [censored] to us about how trash the game is lol imagine if this was the year they did the crossing !! This page is going to be tripled with rants and talking [censored] on here , SDS going to get exposed next year more than they already did in this players tournament lol most the mlb players have talked [censored] about the game as well .
I feel ya bro , this game is just frustrating right now . Idk how many times they have to patch the game for fielding to be right , hitting is not rewarding enough, it's just in a bad state right now
Homerun Banner - 5
SDS developers - 0
And they wanna multiplatform next year but cant even fix a banner
@Hikes83 said in Wasting time:
Might have to collect prestige cards at some point would be my guess
You mean like to be able to get his 99 card you would have to collect his prestige card?
Am I wasting my time prestiging these bosses because there will be a higher level of these cards later on ? For example chipper jones .... this cant be the only diamond card he gets because he always get a 99 , so is it even worth prestiging this card ?!? And than later on theres going to be a 99 ... seems pointless . What yall think
Yes I have noticed this for awhile now , if you score first the game will nerf your bat till your opponent gets some runs to make the game closer .
If you weren't aware of that one ... than I'm guessing your also not aware when they send you invite to party chat .. dont join
Comeback logic should not exist in HOF and above. Tired of dominating my opponent all game and than in late innings it starts . Here's how the script goes every time , opponent who hasnt hit [censored] all game gets a wack [censored] base hit from very late or very early, next I start making some dumb fielding errors back to back , and than they get the homerun lol every time it's the same sequence . Theres been multiple times where I'm losing by like 4 or 5 runs and I just stick it out till the end because I know that come back logic going to come into play and help me lol I see it for my self , I start getting dumb base hits, and when he starts making constant errors I'm like " aight baby its kicked in let's get that homerun now " lol I honestly think it shouldnt exist at all , but I for sure dont think it shouldnt be applied in HOF because that's where all the good players float at anshouldn't nt need the game to help someone win and should just be pure skill applied .oh and I forgot to mention how if you score early and your opponent can't score , it's like I cant score anything else until they get a run or 2 and than I can start scoring again . It helps people catch up way too much and too often imo
@joshjays44 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@T-Rox_09 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@joshjays44 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
See guys?, the ones complaining and making silly posts about fielding will never get fixed?.....use this post to apologize
Please ban this hot pocket eating, offline playing wannabe troll.
How is this trolling?, the majority of you guys complained constantly that the game is garbage and made multiple threads screaming from the hilltops wanting refunds and saying SDS is slacking off and don't care bla bla bla. Now what are you gonna complain about now? go head, make something up. Why don't you man up and use this post to apologize for all the doubts and accusations you guys made.
Lol bro calm down , you have no idea if it's getting fixed ... didnt theybsay they were going to fox the homerun banner ? And tell me... did it ever get fixed? I'll wait
@joshjays44 said in Fielding:
@elMexicano281 said in Fielding:
@joshjays44 said in Fielding:
You know what, lets just take out bunting and stealing...who needs em, I mean its only a baseball game. The mentality of some of the people in this forum, it boggles the mind.
I said when they get it down and learn how to implement the fielding errors correctly into the game than that would be cool .. but right now , it's not fielding errors , its mistakes that shouldnt happen from the game perspective, not the fielders perspective. Your stupid for making that comment .
Don't you think this would be fixed eventually, like it does every year!! But instead you want to take it out entirely and wait for next year?...give them some time, things aren't getting done efficientlyas before because of a shut down with the planet! Go have a hot pocket and relax, patience noob, patience.
Bruuh can you tell me the date on the patch they came out with to " fix " the homerun banner going away after a homerun ? Lol if something so small wasnt fixed , what makes you think they are going to be able to fix the whole fielding anytime soon ? Wouldnt you rather have it just completely off ? No fielding errors at all for the time bieng until they can get it down ?
Hitting is awful
Stop the bunt
Stealing a base
Can you please fix these issues, SDS? We paid for a game we can’t play!
Catcher throwing meter
Reply in 5 or less words
WS rewards
WS rewards
WS rewards
This is laughable
Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4
This is laughable
Wasting time
Wasting time
Way To Take Control Out Of The Players Hands
WATCH OUT for this cheat
Comeback logic
1.09 Patch Discussion