I had to unlink my shownation account and relink it to my PS4 to get it back

I messaged their support team and got a message back stating: "We understand you are concerned about receiving or transferring in-game items.
Rest assured, these items are not lost and will arrive to your account as soon as possible. A server issue has occurred due to the high traffic.
If your in-game items have not arrived after a significant amount of time, please feel free to reach out.
We assure you all of your items will be received.
We regret any inconvenience caused by this."
I logged in this morning about 6:30 AM Eastern time and opened my pre order packs and did all the opening missions/moments. Now when I logged in on my lunch break I have 0 of those cards and 0 stubs AND I get an error every time I try to launch DIamond Dynasty. Anybody else had this?
So are we getting our stubbs and pre order choice packs back
Lost all cards and stubs
Lost all cards and stubs