QUICK PITCHING or as I call it " BI*** PITCHING " is when a pitcher just fires pitch after pitch after pitch ... giving the batter no time to guess a pitch .. take a drink or even pick his nose .... slow down KIDS

BALKS ON in online ranked platform ... to hopefully stop the QUICK PITCHIN
so I just tried to play an ONLINE RATED GM on my PS5 ... horrible ... ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE experience .. pitch accuracy is probably at its worse point of the season .. the fielding just plain SUUUUUCKS .. I THOUGHT THIS GM would get kinda better as the season went on .... BUT I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD GET WORSE !!!! cmon madden let's GOOO
what is ROUTINE MAINTENANCE anyhow ? different than server maintenance ?
GAME UPDATE ???? MORE LIKE A BIG STEP BACK ... online ranked game play is now ... HORRIBLE ... clunky/choppy at best as far ranked online game play this game is getting worse with each update ...
so today the PS5 had a system software & remote controller update ... what was it suppose to do ??? I see nothing. the online , rated pitching accuracy still horrible and slow . I know that that should be a MLB THE SHOW update but cmon ... fix this [censored] each update the PS5 online rated game has gotten worse
so it's June 28 , 2021 and the online game SHOULD be getting better ....BUT. ..... it still sucks ...
the base running is horrible .. pitchers are stealing bases ??? pitch accuracy ... HORRIBLE ... yankees , padres and dodgers. are so far graded higher than the rest of the league ( with the HR , PITCH ACCURACY & BASE STEALING issues ) this gm as far as online rated gm goes we are just picking 3 teams and hoping for the best ???? nothing to do with us , the player , JUST STUPID LUCK THAT THE GM GIVES US ....anyone else care to comment
how about BALKS on ???? stop the QUICK PITCHERS !!!!!
uh oh. feelings are getting hurt .... lets protest
I also play online rated , perfect maybe not . but you can and should get matched up against players that want to plat same hitting difficulty , same pitching difficulty , same guess pitch style or no guess pitch AT ALL . where people get into games that they did not want to play is leaving certain online challenge settings at ANY . then as the game is played the CRY about this or that ... wah wah wah ... or probably the best way to play someone ., in my opinion is friend them and the options can be ruined even more ( but it is not a ranked gm ) . in this mode you can even stop the QUICK PITCHIN that thesis kids today love to do ... and call it real baseball... good luck .. almost MADDEN TIME
Quick Pitching
MLB The Show 22 Ideas
Game Update 5 Thread
sooooo... today's system update did...
Online rated is the red headed step child
Online rated is the red headed step child
bunch of clowns in online rated.