50 years old here and one thing that helped me out was 1.5 x magnification reading glasses (easier to see the type of pitch coming out of the pitchers hand immediately at release) and those foam controller rings. A colleague of mine uses 2.0 x magnification reading glasses but that's a bit too much zoom for me lol.
Costco sells the reading glases for roughly $20, amazon probably cheaper.

I was lucky enough to find a pair of Jordan's and sold them for 33k stubs last week.
Wish they would hire some people or a third party that would develop interesting plot lines for RTTS with a RPG-esque feel? Where is my salary (not existing stubs) with the ability to make equipment/food or drink/entertainment purchases that boost stats, the bus/plane rides, steroids, drugs, balancing intimate relationships, impactful out of game moments with consequences, ability to play RTTS with/vs real people (like during in-game moments or a random 10vs10 match up (with real people where you play your RTTS position), virtual simulation (if they can make golf simulators under $200 why not for batting), dialogue options that can create rivalries, hardcore mode/no items unless you get sponsors, etc etc etc...
I love RTTS however its the same ole - - - - every year and it needs a more 'real' feel to it.
Any old farts good at this game?
Nike/Jordan Equipment
Need more RPG elements in RTTS, please consider some changes already.