Yes, same for me

Pulled Rizzo, A. Miller, M.Meyer
I got him, but i am sticking with Jackie I hit better with him
I thought it should have been Kevin Gausman but Semien was a good pick too.
I opened mine and pulled Trout and D.Williams, Let's Go! LOL
"Big Mac" Mark McGwire
Nyjer Morgan
I know! Even better
That was quick! They came up in the store
Same here just finished it, I got all kinds of common, silver, gold players, what's up with that
Mission Update After Server Crash
"Headliner" packs?
97 DJ LeMahieu
Semien is May POTM
Sony Play At Home - 10 Free packs
What player do you want the most ?
New legend in player program today
Championship series pack
Championship series pack
Championship series pack