@MarioMendoza935 Not likely, nice presentation of Negro Leagues and Jeter stories but that is not nearly enough. They can't even be bothered to update the same stale game theme on start up.

@x814xmafia Is Sony giving digital refunds?
@xElRojo44x I like Baahstin's home whites
@Skarmaen agreed, I like their roads Detroit banner across the chest as well, but that D is up there with the Cardinals, Yanks, Dodgers logos
- Cardinals (some homer in there but not really because the birds across the bat are iconic haha)
- Dodgers (Love that white and blue, along with their blue shirts)
- Athletics (the green and yellow has always popped for me)
- Yankees (the pinstripes, nuff said)
- Tigers (very standard but a very nice brand)
Honorable mentions - Orioles, Cubs, Royals baby blues
I pulled Trout, Manny, Harper and JRod before official release day, nothing since
Thanks for the updates gents, I saw some tiny faces prior to the conquest issue early this am
Lot of people couldn't get in earlier to play, because of some opponent roster issue
Conquest doable?
Is a refund a legit option if you bought it digitally?
It's an absolute joke this studio.
Can't even get a conquest game because it says opponent has invalid roster.
Where is all of the Microsoft and Nintendo money going??? Definitely not to game improvements
They can't even be bothered to update the game's theme or ST BP jerseys that have been around for ages
I want Ichiro back asap, always been my fave card
Noticed a lot of big cards dropping, man glad I sold high on Trout at 255k
Stub control, guess I feel fortunate pulling Trout so early
Those helped satisfy the urge lol
Can anyone list out any they know?
Tyler Glasnow and Corbin Burnes are two that come to mind.Really helps speed the games along
Yep, he was at 195k. I just sold him for 255k. Easily my best hitter but easy decision since I'm not interested in doing the LS collection
Same bugs year after year
I just pulled Trout so I hope up. Never got a pre release big pull. I need those stubs! Since I'm not doing LS collection this year
Not Burn Out, But What?
SDS not taking accountability
Your top 5 MLB uniforms
Your top 5 MLB uniforms
Your top 5 MLB uniforms
Pack Luck Horrid
Did they fix the issues yet?
Did they fix the issues yet?
Did they fix the issues yet?
Refunding the game
Oh look, an update or patch made the game worse, shocked I tell ya
Oh look, an update or patch made the game worse, shocked I tell ya
3/27 free diamond player pack
Market drop?
No more repeatable 5-pack mini conquest maps?
No more repeatable 5-pack mini conquest maps?
Stretch delivery starting Ps
Just Pulled Trout, Keep or Sell?
Are diamond prices going up or down tomorrow?