Yep, and just lost two in a row to RNG. This game is a mess man I’m glad madden is out moving on to that. This years game was a mess.

Had success with him last year, this year he keeps getting killed but then again pitching this year is terrible everything hangs with perfect release
@mitchhammond24 said in I am World Series. You can too.:
after the first one it gets easier each time
Lol I’m struggling I made it and having a hard time this season
Is it me or is this event playing different? I cannot catch up to a fastball, I’m like 2-10. Says it’s all star but speeds don’t feel like it. It just feels different.
@Kovz88 said in Will Gallo go diamond??:
@dodgers_2005 said in Will Gallo go diamond??:
I don’t understand why Nelson Cruz isn’t diamond. Dude is hitting like .340 with 6 bombs and 21 RBI’s.
Because his hitting has always been top level but his defense is too low for him to go diamond
Charlie Blackmon, Nick Castellanos, Christian Yelich all don’t have good defense in the game. Hoping he goes diamond but you might be right.
I don’t understand why Nelson Cruz isn’t diamond. Dude is hitting like .340 with 6 bombs and 21 RBI’s.
I believe it, I get offered it every game now and have been getting spanked by dudes with losing records. The ones that don’t I win. It’s nonsense. I can’t get out of 500’s and I’m usually a 800-900’s player. Past two seasons have been miserable for me
Every time I reject a friendly quit the game proceeds to [censored] me in the process. I lose to the worst opponents. Opponents early late home runs. I get good good everything to the track with no exit velo. This game is just terrible. Anyone else have this issue
I’ve been saying this, wish they got it right. This game has been so bad all year. I thought it was getting better but ranked and all star difficulty has been [censored] lately
I think the game is just in a bad state. I’m a fairly decent player at 117-74. I’ve made WS, and usually make Championship series. But for the past two weeks I can’t win to save my life getting terrible animations, no exit velo. The game is just so inconsistent
Same seems like everything my opponent touches is out even when I clearly see they’re late on all their swings, or flailing at off speed it makes no sense. I’m at 506 or something it’s hell doesn’t make me want to play ranked at all
@xIAmJumpMan23x said in Someone save me from this RNG-fueled nightmare!:
@dodgers_2005 said in Someone save me from this RNG-fueled nightmare!:
Lol, yeah I didn’t really play last season but had made World Series season before. Holy hell started at 550, was up 7-2 early and all of a sudden my squared up started landing all at the track. Opponent out of no where catches up walks off 9-8 lol. All star is the worst.
It's a joke. Games are literally decided by who the game randomly decides to give HRs to. And it IS random. Had a perfect swing with 125 power, prestige Thome and it got run down on the warning track.
Lol on all Star it is, I feel like HOF plays fairly well
Lol, yeah I didn’t really play last season but had made World Series season before. Holy hell started at 550, was up 7-2 early and all of a sudden my squared up started landing all at the track. Opponent out of no where catches up walks off 9-8 lol. All star is the worst.
@AOConnor5 said in Lost connection:
Just happened a third time for me. Giving me another loss. Game is unplayable at this point. I haven't gotten disconnected 3 times in 4 months, let alone these 3 that have happened to me today. Something is up.
When this happens the first time I usually restart my ps4 then before logging into the game I’ll check my network connection, but I know for sure it’s not my connection
I think something is up with the servers, I never have them I’m wired and this week alone it’s happened 3 times. First was in the second inning of my first ranked game this season. Yesterday as soon as one of my ranked games was over I was just looking at my pitchers stamina to see if I switch someone out and it gave me a network error out of nowhere.
@genopolanco said in Holy RNG event.:
What do you mean?
Bad opponents with losing records who’ve never even touched 500’s getting the worst swings to fall for hits, or getting out for bombs with guys with no power. I’m squaring up, perfect perfect or good good centered pci with power guys and nothing landing and that’s fine not everything is supposed to go out but don’t give my opponent who can’t catch up to fast balls breaks and have my defenders like Mickey mantle do weird things like run passed a ground ball in the outfield turning their single into a triple. Played 5 games witnessed enough bs to just not play event games lol. Just ranting.
Title says it all. Don’t normally play too many event games jumped in for fun, jesussssss lol.
Made it in finally, thank you fellas!
@OreoRockstar said in WS help!:
This is my first year and I can’t crack 800 either...have gotten to 798 twice, but than I lose a couple in a row, when a couple, and back and would be cool to hit Championship or WS, but end of day, I’m having fun despite some of the game shortfalls and I have no qualms that I would get kicked around pretty good by the 900 plus players, so.....
This is the positivity I need in my life lol.
Last year I could make WS fairly easy. This year for the life of me I can’t get passed 850 the past 3 seasons. I usually win one lose one or two then win two lose one and can’t get over it. Does it go from hall of fame to legend at 850?! Any advice getting over the hump?
This Ranked Season...
Romo in Division Series and above
I am World Series. You can too.
This event.
Will Gallo go diamond??
Will Gallo go diamond??
Was losing 7-2 in the 7th, Offered friendly quit
Why is it that...
Why does it feel like games get stacked against you when you get an early lead?
I really need help. I can't win in RS or Events.
Someone save me from this RNG-fueled nightmare!
Someone save me from this RNG-fueled nightmare!
Someone save me from this RNG-fueled nightmare!
Lost connection
Lost connection
Holy RNG event.
Holy RNG event.
WS help!
WS help!
WS help!