I just want my hard earned player improvements to not disappear because of a broken update. And I expect unexpected breakages to be fixed yesterday. I wish I had the bobble heads…my game is broken

Same for me amongst other missing things since that great update.
It appears I have been locked into the genetic playstyle. I cannot alter that to my normal ones. It limits me to 3 pitches, 2 perks, and you get no equipment boosts. Despite selecting the ideal playstyle at game start, it defaults to generic. Total BS and I’m running out of patience for a fix
My game and my sons blew right past the game despite us both being picked for it. I also had 50 homers but didnt get picked for the home run derby. Worse, you cant even see the box score to see what happenend.
Same issue for me...all deone till fixed. If not fixed all done period.
Same problem for me..Cannot fix on my own. All done with the game till its fixed.
What's the point of playing now?
RTTS Equipment broken after patch (XBOX1)
Saved pitch sequence changing back to basic three pitches
RTTS - All Star Game
RTTS Loadouts Not Working
Saved pitch sequence changing back to basic three pitches