I’m shocked people are there already. I wasn’t aware of serious do grinds until recently. I like leveling up and all but I’m in no rush to get there. Nice it didn’t cap st Diamond this year
went from Silver 96 to Gold 1 game told me I was gold 1 up top and then it just vanished back to silver 96.. Love it!
XP Cap
I lost over six levels from it
So you lose levels the more you play? Or they just don't count and go back down?
Not sure I think I just lost levels, though I only gained the 6 levels today nothing more, backed out and it said I was gold 1. Went and did a moment cause im still working on a few of those, got some exp and I was back to 94-5.
Impressive that he grinded out that many runs in a single game. Thanks for the tips! Let's see.. I'm at silver level now and if I follow the advice you've been giving, I might be able to be to reach diamond level by the end of the weekend. I'll get right to work on it come Saturday morning. You're doing God's work Divine! Keep passing along the good word.
finally a practical gamer here. the only reason his asking is because he wants to do it himself.
This is false. Not only is there a great deal of feedback provided by many, but It's also embarrassing to see basic gameplay issues occurring in the Player's Tournament with tens of thousands of people watching live.
If high-status MLB players are complaining about the game, that should be the ultimate incentive for SDS to get their [censored] together.
Just stop with this, you dont like the game then dont play. You are not getting your money back no matter how much noise you make. Does the game get fix and these issue go away who knows but at this point it is what it is. Now you have to make a choice play or not play.
How can other game studios be releasing patches and this joke studio does nothing?
do you go to the grocery store, buy some milk, drink half of it, then try to return it ?
if this is such a joke studio, try to find a better baseball game out there
I mean if its spoiled or bad then yeah
Haha perfect response to possibly the dumbest thing ever written on the internet. Bravo..........