I can only play with Baltimore Orioles home uniforms no matter what I do for some reason.
Same here. It says I’m 1-0 but I have 0 cumulative wins.
I just won 3 games in Events. Only 1 win counted. All 3 counted towards the streak total but only 1 counted towards the cumulative total.
Vlad & Muncy
Same. Can’t get into a game.
There are 20 days left in this program. Even without getting any of the missions done that is five wins a day. If you get a few missions done which you probably will just by playing you realistically can get it done with around 3 wins a day.
Yes, I have 3 wins tonight that haven’t counted. My wins are showing up on the Win Streak but not the BR Program.
I had two that did not count the other night. Still not showing up.
I chose Judge to finish off my Yankees collection and got Posada. He was sellable though.
It says I have gotten 2 out of 10 hits with him and I have never used his card.
Wander Franco
I’m sure they will fix this. I did everything online and offline for the Zimmerman stage 1 and I am locked out of stage 2 as well. It says I need to complete stage 1 first.
Trout has had so many balls hit him in the face I don’t even recognize him anymore. I hold my breathe every time a ball is hit to him.
Thank you
Is the first inning program showdown repeatable?
I've seen MLB uniforms in the Tech Test
Event Wins Not Tallying
Br Program Points not counting
90+ Pack
challenge failed
BR Program
BR Program Points
Event wins not counting
Is the Diamond at 650,000 xp sellable?
Servers down
Anyone tried Nico stats yet
Favorite hitter so far
April monthly awards
fielding is still wild
We're not supposed to get to 1000 stars, are we?
We're not supposed to get to 1000 stars, are we?