I pulled Ohtani out of mine.

I guess I’ll find out when I get home. Logged off around 9 pm. Guessing it happened after that.
On the companion app I still have all of my stuff. When I jump on console later nothing will be there?
@Dookie-Possum 20 hours a day on the game for decent cards? That’s a reach.
@chucky97___ you’re suppose to be picking from the cards on your team though. That was the purpose of the mode. Not for every card. And again I said it’s playing the same team over and over using real 99’s
@chucky97___ of course you want to play with your friend and have fun, but why would you want to keep playing the same teams over and over with everyone using real 99’s? That’s boring as hell.
I agree it’s not pay to win. I spend money and suck.
However co-op using real 99’s isn’t fun.
Play with your team just liked ranked. It’s the whole point of the mode, not to with 99’s. -
@GoTitans3 well you asked what’s a way to earn stubs offline, and that would be flipping. Flippers have stubs. So if you want stubs, and know you can’t make stubs by playing offline games such as mini seasons or conquest. Then flip to make stubs.
Not saying it’s right that it’s the only way to make stubs. But making stubs isn’t impossible.
@go4stros25 thank you appreciate it. It’s definitely boring. And until this morning I’ve been having good success with flipping when I can.
But todays market seems different than the past days leading up to this and just wanted to see if anyone else noticed it as well.
@GoTitans3 so then learn to flip, and flip. They’re a marker for a reason and it’s apart of the game. Flipping isn’t hard, and it’s honestly not that time consuming. I work a full time job with overtime. 40+ hours a week. Have a child, with another one on the way. I have time to flip make profit and buy the cards I want.
I am not a fan of sds by any means and think they really need to come on here and address things like adults and stop hiding. But there really is way too many people complaining about literally everything possible. They’re not going to make everyone happy. It’s impossible.
To be fair, I suck at this game. However I have a good job so beginning of the year I throw some money in to get started on collections. I pretty much have all top tier cards and I get beat easily sometimes.
So I wouldn’t say it’s pay2win. Having top tier cards definitely help, but doesn’t make me an amazing player.
On the other hand. This year has been awful so far. It started off promising and has gotten progressively worse. I wasn’t a fan of all 99’s last night. I’m a fan of people having different teams and not facing the same team every game. This year kind of has that.
But the programs are a disgrace. The XP cap is a disgrace. Having to keep paying to get the best cards in the game is a disgrace (even for someone that could afford it).
And the biggest disgrace is the absolute silence from sds. It’s fine to come in with a plan, but to come in with a plan and then pivot when you realize more than half of your base is unhappy. There’s absolutely no reason why sds can’t come out and address things, and see where and how they can change things to make more people happy.
I honestly haven’t had a problem earning stubs. I bought a few in the beginning. Have been flipping since. Todays the first day I’ve had an issue flipping with mostly nothing really selling.
What’s up with the market today, seems down and stale. Cards aren’t moving too much at all.
The website just started for me as well. Im just so confused how every year they have all of these issues. How they haven’t figured it all out yet is strange.
I don’t understand how a company can make the amount of money they make, and still can’t figure out how to run things. It’s seriously concerning.
Anyone else having an issue with it this morning? Taking extremely long, and freezing when trying to buy and sell.
@x814xmafia maybe because people keep hoping a company that specializes in video games would be able to figure out what they’re doing. Clearly they need to fire their developers and hire people capable of putting a game together.
It’s the company that should be figuring things out, and stop putting out games until they realize how to make a playable game.
How do you put in a ticket?
They didn’t, I checked. I had them in and just left it. Weird that this happened.
Has anyone had buy orders in last night or today, and now they’re gone?
Scouting Report Pack
Deleted team.
Deleted team.
this game isn't pay to win
this game isn't pay to win
this game isn't pay to win
this game isn't pay to win
Companion app
Companion app
Companion app
Freeze Offs in Co-Op (and cooldowns)
Missing buy orders
Missing buy orders
Missing buy orders