Can we fix every hit whether it be an infield ground out or a line drive , that the commentary saying Ground ball base hit and he’s out at first, it’s sad and not good.

@fyrfytrjoey_PSN I understand that fixes the issue but the game should play at 2160p like last years game. Downgrading display isn’t an acceptable solution for me
Sadly it’s doing it for me too and it’s actually effecting the recordings as well. I adjusted screen size borders on ps5 and adjusted my tv settings as well and can’t figure out the issue to this second.
Cool thank you
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Athletics and Rays 2025 stadiums???:
They show the A's stadium in the stream a few days ago.
I have watched almost every stream and didn’t see anything in regards to the stadium, do they have Sacramento’s stadium or is it a make believe build?
What stadiums is the default this year? I have yet to hear anything in this regard, I guess I will find out Friday but with the Rays not being able to play in their stadium this year and the A’s moving to Sacramento for a few years I would have liked to hear something.
@The_Gaming_Skulls_MLBTS I predict no cause it would cost extra to make that stadium and crowd differences. Heck even Madden has had Brazil and stadiums in London and Germany while the show didn’t do anything to make South Korea or London for last years games
@ELITeSJ05_XBL said in MLB franchise 2025:
I hope one day we will have the option to play 1/4 and 2/4 seasons. If not that, I would like the option to play shorter games. I really don’t like simulating games in franchise mode. I wish we had more options. It can’t be that hard to add this.
Older games had different seasons lengths that were not mlb the show. My preference is never sim games due to fear for injuries
I’m happy they expanded March to October to multiple seasons, I’m also curious on a lot of things not covered. Franchise mode there is a lot more then signing 1 or 2 key free agents but the screens look cool. I’m also happier with improved trade logic which appears to have no logic for more then 2 teams in 1 trade. They did make a footnote saying with the new CBA minimum salaries will be at 700k which is good but it also has an uptick year after year. Is that being addressed? Is there anything else being done from the new CBA? ie. no more runner on 2nd during extra innings, DH in national league, arbitration changes. I’d love to hear about this but from the way this video looked done, it was completed weeks ago so they could carefully edit it. Hey guys, Covid is over, do it live like you used to buy you won’t because you can hide from fans who care and are sick of diamond dynasty being shoved down your throat. Please guys , I’d love to hear something in response cause I really want franchise to be better. Any kind of way to use the similar options in franchise as you can in March to October? Hate for this to be a wasted feature.
@boogiewithstu2 said in Missing players?????:
Hopefully roster update addresses all of that... Could be they weren’t finished and will update soon enough ...
I hope so I’m just really disappointed cause he’s a strong pitcher and it has devastating Effects on Phillies pitching depth
@ChuckCLC said in Never seen a base act as a wall before in the game:
Those Physics actually looks pretty believable. Now if that happens every few games or something then probably not.
You hit something in one direction at 100 mph, momentum dictates that even if it hits the bag and deflects in such a way the ball should spin to the outfield. I’ve had one other ball deflect off the bag and it went straight vertical, which I can see as possible more then this case where is goes the opposite of where I’d think it would go
@squishiesgirl said in Who’s the guy managing the Cubs, because it sure ain’t David Ross?:
Same with the Phillies..that def ain't Girardi
I agree, the game had him a few years ago , I know this from doing a play through of old baseball games. Maybe Heidi hasn’t said his name yet in dialogue but they excluded his name from the game and for some reason Tommy Hunter of the Phillies is MIA as well but they have minor league players
I started a franchise on Friday with the Phillies with default rosters and after several games I’m hit with the fact, I’m missing a key player and I’m confused on why he’s missing, Tommy Hunter of the Phillies. Also manager Joe Giradi who was on old versions of the game isn’t on here? Makes no sense. I’m sure there are others missing somewhere too but any reason why?
Since the days of the Physics engine I never have seen a 3rd base bag act as a wall before. I don’t think it’s possible, at least I’ve never seen or heard of something like this in my life. Please look and btw it also ruined my no hit bid at the time.
Guys I’m personally offended but the years and years of ignorance by the team by ignoring franchise mode. There is so many more things you can do but you keep going for the money grab of these card games. Can we do something to actually spend some time doing real development. Even when they tried to discuss franchise Ramone was quickly dismissive of the mode. It’s all about buying packs to these guys . I don’t care and nothing will change on this. Do some serious work on franchise.
According to developers that’s all everyone wants. Give me franchise modes where I can unlock old school players that I can expand with expansion. 2k is creative enough in basketball for expansion when the league isn’t expanding, even OOTP baseball has expansion available. What they are offering is a relabel of the city name and logo, it’s easiest and laziest move ever.
I really hate classic pitching I know why people like it but I wouldn’t lock different players who can’t play as well with classic pitching. I also don’t care for directional hitting, good luck to ya
Shocking that they ignore something else in franchise mode that is broken to help sell packs that real players care nothing about. They only want to show these cards for extra money, they sold out.
I’m not happy for a few reasons
No custom stadiums
Single A doesn’t have a full roster
Custom rule sets
Custom expansion
I’m thrilled with the idea of the having a custom team and being able to import it into a franchise but it’s virtually worthless without the ability to expand. I seriously love the game but feel the developers are not trying to make the best game possible. There is zero reasons a ballpark builder can’t be included in the game, even as DLC if they want sales. Only problem is online leagues could have issues but they can have a flag saying no custom stadiums in online. If you think about it custom stadiums have been in games since the early 90s with games like Earl Weaver baseball 2. The backgrounds can be customizable because that’s basically a green screen and the infield is generally all the same and all you need is options for the outfield fences , if people want crazy designs let them because you can default the outfield stands and leave areas blank for crazy shapes. It would also be nice to have full rosters of old time teams older games do this, I’m doing a series on my YouTube channel and all the teams and things you can do are insane that a game like mlb the show can’t do it today near the end of the console’s life cycle is staggering. It’s frustrating to me as an old school gamer to not think through that if you create a team in a different town , so if I moved from Philadelphia to South Dakota for example, I’d want an excellent stadium but having the background of another city is sloppy and I wouldn’t want the name Phillies on top of the scoreboard. It just doesn’t feel thought through even though we have been begging for it for years. I’m happy all the regular changes are made but generally you have to make those changes otherwise everyone would be really angry.
What’s the point of a full minor leagues if you skim off half the roster in single A? It’s been like it for years and I find it pointless for the roster to be there cause it’s only being used to fill up AA and AAA during injury plagued years. Maybe have a single A club that is full and call another roster minor reserves who are training to improve still and can eventually move to single A or be cut.
I think it would be nice like in nba 2k where custom rules can be voted in by the owners during the off season.
Randomly have teams move from on city to another maybe after a team has had 4-5 low attendance figures and they don’t have a stadium lease , then they could move. Just would be interesting. Also would be nice for expansions to randomly be added/expanded playoff possibilities/ shorten regular season?
Anyways if I have all these ideas for franchise the only think I think of is the developers are stuck in their ways and only want to make changes that effect people spending more money instead of making a solid title. That’s why I’m frustrated. Wanna know how I’m right? They wanted to jump out of Franchise discussion as soon as possible. It felt awkward to watch.
I personally I’m extremely disappointed but also semi excited. I can see created all time teams , I wish there was an option to add more teams so if we want a bigger league we could add like the Expos and maybe another team to Franchise. Having to replace teams is a waste. Also why are we always using a cap of 15 players in single A. What if I wanted to play a single A game, I don’t have a chance to do so. I don’t see the point in having these teams if they can’t be complete. Logos are not exciting but barely touching Franchise is sad because you want to spend all your time ripping people off with all of the new minor league players cards . People will really be mad paying for a pack of all minor leaguers. I was hoping for some stadium customization. Other games did it so they can’t complain about memory restrictions, it’s just not important to them. Minor league players were the same thing but they found a way to out source the work for them. The more years go by the more the show is becoming like Madden as no one challenges them in games.
Play by play
Screen Size Issue
Screen Size Issue
Athletics and Rays 2025 stadiums???
Athletics and Rays 2025 stadiums???
Athletics and Rays 2025 stadiums???
Dodgers vs Cubs series games in Japan
MLB franchise 2025
Off-season mode in Franchise compared to MTO
Missing players?????
Never seen a base act as a wall before in the game
Who’s the guy managing the Cubs, because it sure ain’t David Ross?
Missing players?????
Never seen a base act as a wall before in the game
Drop this mode, put in more stuff in franchise
Question - does attendance impact team revenue?
Question - does attendance impact team revenue?
Franchise Wishlist
Horrible presentation of franchise