Did anyone test this game? In Franchose mode on Xbox Series S (Xbox Cloud) both San Jose and San Antonino city names are offensive and it wont let you create teams! The audio is there for them too!

Switch I assume?
So I have the Switch version and am enjoyong the game especially on my Switch OLED in handheld mode. My Switch is just 2 weeks old.
I like to create 32 fantasy teams from scratch using a combination of vault logos and logos I create myself. I then start a new franchise and replace all 32 teams with these new fantasy teams which keeps the major leaguers and then I do a fantasy draft.
Today I just got through creating 32 fictional teams which took my 10 hours. I have all 32 teams ready but whenever I start a Francise when I replace a team I get the Switch closing software error. It seems random as sometimes I can get to adding about 3 or 4 teams and sometimes it happens on the first team.
I have tried:
Powering down the Switch completely and restarting
Redownloaded the game
Moved the game from the internal SD card to an external one
Happens in both docked and undocked modes.
Happens if I am not connected to the itnernet too
Double checked for all doftware updates
Did the data check and everything is fine.
Tried systematically seeing if replacing a team with a created one triggers t
the error (maybe the team file size was too big), nope
Is anyone else having this issue on the Switch?
Thanks! -
San Jose and San Antonio are offensive city names?
Vault in create team issue
Awful bug cost me 10 hours of work..