Online bugs and error. I was playing a game online and I was winning 7-0 and the opponent steal a base and when I throw it to 3rd the catcher didn’t do anything and stays there and I can’t do anything

I don’t know what else to say. Everyday I can’t play because at 9 pm servers are down or something. I get the error and I can’t play anything on it. I’m sick and tired with this game. I feel I threw $85 to the garbage can and I can’t even enjoy the game this is ridiculous that at these point you guys haven’t fix this his issues.
I was playing showndown and in the final boss halfway the game froze and kick me out and I lose the progress
I can’t play online with friends. My friends are online and we can’t see each other online to send an invite for a match. What’s going on? This is the worst experience I’ve ever had with MLB the Show. And it’s always at the same time of the day. Unfortunately is the only time I can play and it’s very frustrating after buying the special edition and I can’t even do the daily moments. I’m about to go back and play MLB the show 20 instead.
What’s going on with these Network Errors, I can’t even do moments or showdown without the game crashing every 5 minutes! This is disappointing
It would be great that we can sell our cards even after been collected same as MLB 19 or at least being able to sell duplicated card even if that card is already collected. We can used that money to increase the budget to buy cards in the community market.
Online bugs and errors
Servers down at the same time every day?
Losing progress because of network issues
Can’t see friends online
Constantly Crashing with Network Errors
Can’t sell repeated players Cards from collections?