Major crashes in RTTS since this update, mainly when successfully stealing bases or trying to slide into a base. Anyone else having the same issue? On PS5
While we’re at it, what’s with the out of position animations for secondary positions? Is this a bug? My ballplayer has SS as a secondary (or C) but can’t field a ball or make a throw
thanks champ
Imagine your servers being so bad that you can’t even handle website traffic. Why even bother having the market available on the website if it’s quicker for us to log in to the game and place orders there. This is getting ridiculous
Remind me again why I payed to “play” this game?
This is your fault
Any chance of a working website? If it’s going to crash just take it down so we stop trying
lmao this is an all time bad take
@goozefn_psn said in 504 Gateway Timeout:
5 days now
I’d also like to know when we are going to get a usable Web market - it’s not usable at all in its current state
lmao same, i just realised today through about 40AB I'm hitting below 100 with him with 1 XBH. Every other hitter in my lineup is over 330. I don't know what it is I just can't get anything going at all.
Has anyone who has used Griffey so far noticed any issues with his fielding animations similar to last year?
I have him in LF at the moment (just unlocked) and haven't played a game with him yet - but hoping some people have had a chance to see if he's still getting the weird animations.
Game Update 5 Thread
Diamond Ballplayer Primary Position Catcher? How?
Diamand Dynasty is Dumb
504 Gateway Timeout
its 830!!!!! servers down!
Probably shouldn't say this...
504 Gateway Timeout
Quitting or "Dashboard" solution?
504 Gateway Timeout
Lightning Tatis
Griffey Fielding - any issues?