Blah, blah, blah. If SDS announced a stub sale you’d probably be the first one to pull out the debit card from the stimulus account.
I agree with OP. Covid-19 is serious. Health and family are priority #1. But companies work-wide are coming forward with how they are addressing the issue. I get it. It’s just a game. But SDS is dropping the ball here by not at minimum joining a livestream with RoFlo and giving us an update on their plans for this iteration moving forward. It could literally be a 15 minute update. If you don’t know, let us know. If you can’t fix certain things because of working conditions, let us know. The majority of us appreciate the game and the work SDS has put into it. I think we just need some questions answered so we are all not guessing and speculating and hoping.
Sell your dupes or keep them for dailies.
Before you rush to buy packs!
No patch, no communication, no acknowledgements...
Just thought of something about Dailies in 20