Live Rosters, 3 total trades in the season, 5 games per week

Titian Baseball League is looking for more users in its 30 man custom league. Xbox League only for this season.
All players will be in a random draft for team selection. After the draft the worst teams will be able to pick up a player, 1 per team, from any CPU team via trade. This free agent draft is determined by the ranking of each team in game.
The Game settings are set to the following
Innings - 9
Hitting Difficulty - All-Star
Pitching Difficulty - All-Star
Guess Pitch - Off
Quick Counts - Off
Strike Zone - On
Hot Zones - Off
Balks - Off
Umpire Accuracy - Personalized
Umpire Close Plays - On
Ejections - On
Injuries - On
Presentation Mode - Fast Play
DH - OnIf interested people join our discord at: are a very active group with lots of users.
If you bought stubs on the console then it wont show on the website, this is because those stubs are specific to that console. Meaning if you bought stubs on Xbox you cant use it on PlayStation. But I have noticed before my stub count was different than my console by however much I bought. If you want to use those stubs on the site I suggest buying some cards and flipping them quick on the console market and then it will update on the website as useable stubs
Looking for Xbox players to join in this new type of style league. Please read the rules in the link below:
I can answer any questions about the league as well.
Summary of the league:
It’s a multiplayer versus league using exhibition game mode. So let’s say Tom, James, and Harry are the Jays... They schedule which games they are each gonna play and which starter (needs to follow proper rotation for that) and then all the games count as the Jays games.So it might be like:
GM 1 Tom - Starter 1
GM 2 James - Starter 2
GM 3 Harry- Starter 3
GM 4 Harry - Starter 4
GM 5 Tom - Starter 5
GM 6 Tom - Starter 1
Etc.10 TEAM games per week
2 Games per Weekday night
Real life players have a min/max games.
Starting pitchers need to follow rotation
Must have Discord for this league.
Stats are recorded and posted on an external site
Message me on here or send me a message on Xbox: Codester109
Looking for Xbox players to join in this new type of style league. Please read the rules in the link below:
I can answer any questions about the league as well.
Summary of the league:
It’s a multiplayer versus league using exhibition game mode. So let’s say Tom, James, and Harry are the Jays... They schedule which games they are each gonna play and which starter (needs to follow proper rotation for that) and then all the games count as the Jays games.So it might be like:
GM 1 Tom - Starter 1
GM 2 James - Starter 2
GM 3 Harry- Starter 3
GM 4 Harry - Starter 4
GM 5 Tom - Starter 5
GM 6 Tom - Starter 1
Etc.10 TEAM games per week
2 Games per Weekday night
Real life players have a min/max games.
Starting pitchers need to follow rotation
Must have Discord for this league.
Stats are recorded and posted on an external site
Message me on here or send me a message on Xbox: Codester109
Looking for experienced Xbox players to join my New York Mets Team in this new type of style league. Please read the rules in the link below:
I can answer any questions about the league as well.
Summary of the league:
It’s a multiplayer versus league. So let’s say Tom, James, and Harry are the Jays... They schedule which games they are each gonna play and which starter (needs to follow proper rotation for that) and then all the games count as the Jays games.So it might be like:
GM 1 Tom - Starter 1
GM 2 James - Starter 2
GM 3 Harry- Starter 3
GM 4 Harry - Starter 4
GM 5 Tom - Starter 5
GM 6 Tom - Starter 1
Etc.10 TEAM games per week
2 Games per Weekday night
Real life players have a min/max games.
Starting pitchers need to follow rotation, I believe.
I am the owner so I will be releasing the schedule based of my teams players availability. Must have Discord for this league.
Message me on here or send me a message on Xbox: Codester109
If you are able to add xbox players to the league, (used to play on playstation) i will join,
Eastern or central time zone (depends where i am. On the road for work or at home)Im free every night
Titian Baseball League Season
Titian Baseball League Season
Total Stubs Balance not showing up on the website Community Market.
New Type of League for Xbox Users
New Type of League for Xbox Users
New Type of League for Xbox Users
The Official Late Night League