You have to unlink your account from you username in the upper left corner of the menu. Then go back online and link the account only to the "MLB" option when you relink your account. This happened to me on Sunday

You can unlink by doing so in game. This happened to me the other day when I tried to link the game to my ps5. It was like it started me all over. You need to go to your username in the upper left corner of the game menu go to the settings or options there. Not sure because I am not at home right now. But then there is an option to unlink your account. Then you just link it to the MLB, not the PSN or XBX options on the pc.
You can unlink your account in game. This happened to me when I first tried to login and link my account. Go to you username in the upper left corner and in the option you can unlink the account.
PSA: Don't Link both PS and XBOX Accounts!
PSA: Don't Link both PS and XBOX Accounts!