It does not show ohtani as a sub. What's odd is does let you playing CPU so I thought we could. Traded for him. But You can only get him to the plate when he's pitching it seems. It's total [censored] because he hasn't established much as a pitcher IRL. Sure has as hitter though. Very disapointing, at least let us choose how we want to use him
You need to turn off button accuracy switch to just buttons. Meter off will take away the input on throw strength default CPU.
Oh wow I see it's you from league posting this. I think it feels kinda rough still. It's just not the same. Totally sucks and over time it will have interest fade I betcha. It's already slowed us quite a bit. I still haven't seen if they have even acknowledged it. I doubt it gets fixed, but this is totally unacceptable. It's all that I play so I should get my money back. Work arounds dont satisfy for the quality of product I paid for. Last year it's a work around for PS4 bug, now this tell. They giving us garbage for the mode
It's not that entirely how it is. But the skill level is bumped 2 levels down. So legend actually goes to all-star which if you play Hof makes it sorta do-able. Timing windows and pitch speeds don't change between all-star and HOF though so it helps. The one thing I've noticed can't really convert to HOF is how how how PCI ultimately is
affected on lower contact players. It never gets as small as it did on HOF but lower contact slider in general does shrink it. Also seems dudes can foul off a million pitches with circle on all-star no matter what you do.
Right and when he's not pitching you want him to bat obviously so every game you have 1 less bench spot from the start. But it guess it's same cuz your 13th spot is ohtani.
t's just annoyed AF having to sub this way and it's different if home or away. Sds fail again on ohtani -
I know you're talking about franchise here. But for the most part they are DD focused idc what they say. For DD you can now use SPs to hit before you could not. This is kinda big in regards to him being able to bat but you have to sub him after the game starts so you still can't DH him or start him in the field. It is kind a pathetic he did hit like 46 home runs last year yet you can't put him in your lineup
Custom Leagues - Shohei Ohtani
Throwing errors
Is the Difficulty glitch ever going to be fixed in custom leagues?
Is the Difficulty glitch ever going to be fixed in custom leagues?
Ohtani Rule Pitching & Hitting DH 22' Patch?
Ohtani Rule Pitching & Hitting DH 22' Patch?