Can we get new players besides the same rinse and repeat players we get every year? I mean I’d like to see different cards like Bernie, Kent, David Cone, Strawberry, Doc Gooden, AROD, Bonds, Roger Clemens, Paul O’Neil, Mo Vaughn, Ichiro, Manny Ramirez, Johan, Pettitte, Galaragga, Carlos Gonzalez, Andruw Jones, Lance Berkman, Roberto Alomar. There’s a lot of great players that would add a lot of excitement to the game and I feel as if you guys lack initiative and don’t want to do extra besides making fake nicknames for players because thats so fun to do im sure. Also missed a golden opportunity to have Babe Ruth as an incognito player (i.e. sultan of swat, great bambino, colossus of clout) but lets have players like 5280’s i feel bad for Miles Mikolas for that one lol.