I'm already bored of it. It's hard to keep interested when the only thought is it's the same thing as last year. Grind, new csrds, grind new cards,

Cheezy Taters_XBL
Yes, I can't hit worth a [censored]. I play DD offline modes yet the game play style is locked on competitive and I hate it. I don't even play pvp.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ this is the best post on this forum. This locked competitive mode is BS to the max. I'm as casual as casual gets and i have no reason to play on this setting yet I'm forced. On pvp should have this locked setting. I've Uninstalled because of it.
I've maxed out legends of the franchise and the new stuff dropped today so all xp is useless right now.
Anyone waiting for Friday for thr new program for the xp or is everyone going after the offline stuff right away just curious as to see what people are doing.
@Weshill627_PSN conquest was way more rewarding. This diamond quest isn't any more fun than any other modes in this game. I don't know why people are so gung ho about it. It'll fizzle out.
@MarioMendoza935_XBL i got Vladimir Jr
This game won’t last
Is it just me or is hitting timing a little off?
Make Rookie Great Again
New Programs
Diamond Quest
Let's get this started... Who is your first LS Diamond pull?