Hey everyone! I’ve been playing Mlb the show since MLB 06, played online since MLB 17, and started streaming in 21. Just wanted to create this topic so people can voice their opinions on what they want improved like I’m about to. Again these are just general statements and if I go really in depth I will be here typing forever lol.
Road to the Show: I was an avid road to the show player before I started playing online. That part of the game just started getting a little stale. Road to the show has been basically the same for awhile in my opinion. I’d like just some more thought and interaction with it. 2k has the city and a story to go along with your career. Madden has the draft on their career mode. I’d like to see MLB include some of that. We sit on draft night in the MLB Studio if we go the first round. More interactive cut scenes. I’ve seen the same cut scenes for years and just would like a little more variety. I will talk more about the Ballplayer and the online aspect of it when I talk about DD. Overall, I feel like this mode should have some tweaks done so we can have more variety and not the same thing we’ve been playing for years.
Franchise - I was an offline player myself for a long time and I’ve seen franchise make some improvements in recent years. Granted, I’m going by what I’ve seen from the live streams you guys do before the new games come out every year and I look forward to them. However, I’ve heard from people that play franchise that like RTTS, it’s just a little stale. I’m not going to go crazy in depth on something I don’t really play all that much. However, I know people that play madden for their franchise mode only, me included. I just don’t feel like people do that for MLB and it hurts because I love baseball and I look forward to this game every year. I would love to get back into franchise, and like others just see some more improvements towards it. If anyone is a franchise player, feel free to go more in depth.
March to October - I’ve played this mode once since you guys have introduced it. It was very long and not that rewarding when it came to doing it for team affinity. In my opinion, I think March to October should just be included in franchise as a one year thing. If not, we should either be more rewarded for completing this grind for DD or this mode should be scrapped altogether, and focus more on the other offline modes like RTTS and Franchise. Again, this is just my opinion. If anyone feels different, please feel free to express your opinions. I know we all only we to improve the game we love.
Diamond Dynasty - this is the mode I play the most. I think DD just needs to find its identity. I personally miss the power creep, and would like sets and seasons to be scrapped altogether. We kept seeing repeat cards all year of mostly the same guys. Again, it just gets stale. I like the collection 99s at the beginning of the year, but those should be the only 99s to begin the year. I feel we had too many 99s and of the same guys recycled all year. Bring back the power creep and having to earn the 99s. I know for the casual player it’s tough. Trust me, I’ve become a causal with a full time job and other responsibilities so I get it. However, there should be no reason why season program rewards, WS rewards, and BR rewards are so cheap. Those cards are supposed to be hard to get.
I also believe that we lost some fun legends we should bring back, and also add some new legends into the game. Granted, I do love seeing some guys that I saw play that I was young in the game that weren’t too famous. However, if you ask me would I rather have Ryan ludwick or someone like Ted Williams, Ty Cobb, Ichiro, or a new legend like Joe DiMaggio in the game, it isn’t even close. One thing I will give props where they’re due is I love the addition of Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire into the game. The steroid era was my childhood and a lot of fun. I would love to see more of those guys in the game like manny Ramirez and A-Rod.
The ballplayer was a fun concept when you guys introduced it in 21 I believe. However, I feel like it kinda died out. I don’t see nearly as many people using them as I once did. Mostly because I feel that we wanna use the cards you guys put out in the game. I feel a ballplayer takes away from that. I think it either needs a revamp or to be taken out of DD.
Gameplay is something I will say has been pretty good. Not too many complaints here except the PAR is too big for pitchers with good control. A pitcher shouldn’t be penalized for having outlier. It’s insane. Also, bring back the perfect umpires. I know some people want the reality aspect there, but there’s pitches on the corners which in years past were strikes and now they’re balls. I would like to see those issues fixed. Other than that, I feel like gameplay and the servers themselves have greatly improved since 21 and 22.
Overall, I feel like DD is headed in the right direction, but just needs some work. My biggest thing is the power creep and the content. I know it’s late in the year, and you guys are focusing on 24. However, I know viewership is down right now on twitch. I hear from different streamers everyday. I want a reason to keep playing this game after the World Series other than the fact that I love baseball. Keep bringing out new content. For season 6 we barely got anything in my opinion. I feel like the game just gets stale after awhile. With madden, 2k, nhl, all these different games coming out within your game cycle, you gotta give people a reason to keep playing. Good rewards, fun events, and new fun content does that. I’ve played this game since I was a kid and I want to see it thrive. I probably forgot some things so if anyone else wants to add anything please feel free. I’m looking forward to the live streams for 24 and for the game itself to come out. I can’t wait to see what improvements are made. God bless.