@thegreatdansby said in FIX CONTACT SWING!:
The comments are funny... the developers have acknowledged during their 2nd team affinity stream that they are working on a fix for contact swings as they are not working as intended. Now they did not say exactly what that means... but I have noticed that upwards of 90% of my opponents only contact swing now. I was wondering how they were getting such nasty exit velos on contact swings that weren't even squared out... It does appear that there is little to no velo reduction penalty for using a contact swing... so it pretty much gives you the same exit velo as a normal swing but with a much larger PCI... I started using it in the HOF event right now.... dingers galore... even with guys that don't have much power and playing at low elevation ballparks.... Again, the developers have acknowledged it and are going to make it more inline with the past few years..... but considering they said this weeks ago and they haven't patched anything is telling that they are confused what the exact issue is. 118 exit velo on contact (protect swings) is absurd. There is supposed to be a give and take with each swing type and right now there is no reason to not swing contact unless you want to put yourself at a major disadvantage. I think they should disable contact swings until they sort it out....
Missed the stream. Good to hear they acknowledged it and are working on a fix. Thats good enough for me. Agree they should disable it online until the fix.