Turn the game off walk away and shut up already. All sports games have issues nothing is perfect - if you think the games is terrible odds are it's you stop blaming SDS or even better its a conspiracy. My favorite are the people that cry over obtaining free cards, the moment is too hard boo hoo hoo its a free card. Rant over everyone have a great day watch your PCI placement because SDS is controlling it from their secret headquarters in Area 51.
@untchable704_psn said in Too Much Crying:
A psychiatrist would wonder why it bothers you so much. Probably tie it to a deep feeling of inadequacy or lack of control over your own life professionally and in personal relationships. Therefore you lash out in a rage at people on the i by internet for posting something that doesn’t affect you at all.
I see you on here you think your intelligent with your witty quotes but your just probably some poor soul that needs to comment on every post to make him self feel superior - have a good day.
@wheelsablaze_xbl said in New.. bought one pack and pulled…!!!:
Ok I just recently started playing this game and I found where you could get packs with stubs so I bought one and I got the blue diamond card of Fernando Tatis jr…. What in the world should I do.. I don’t have any idea…
you should keep him and see if he works for you and if he doesn't sell him ... he wont lose any value.
@therainmaker29_xbl said in Too Much Crying:
The game is bad so get over it. This much smoke there’s definitely fire. Or dumpster fire in this case cause that’s what this game is.
So why do you play ? I know waiting for NBA 2K to drop.
@bostondirtdog21 said in Card you’re most disappointed in?:
Mariano. Man I hate his card and wish I never locked in for it.
Because they screwed with his motion its different from last year , he throws the ball really weird hard to control.
Too Much Crying
Too Much Crying
New.. bought one pack and pulled…!!!
Too Much Crying
Card you’re most disappointed in?