I've done that thinking it would help buy no luck. so I don't know what to do anymore

@AdeptOfMemory the first time it happened to me burnes wasn't even on my team. the 2nd time he was on my team and I know I didn't have him in the minors in the first place to get called up. I am trying to see if I can fix it myself but with no luck. I am feeling close to see what caused the problem though but no 100 percent sure if it was it
@AdeptOfMemory the bug I got twice now is when burnes gets called up by a team he isn't on to the majors which he is already in. it then duplicates him on every teams roster
@AdeptOfMemory this is off the topic but have you had or heard of a bug with corbin burnes in franchise mode?
has anyone gotten a bug where Corbin Burnes gets called up from a team he isn't on and then it screws up the rosters for every team?
if I uninstall won't I lose all my files?
I hope so. its been like this for a few days. like I said I thought I hit the xp cap but I never got the message
that's what I did. I doubt I'll get a response back
this has nothing to do with multiplayer. I am talking about the gameplay xp
I have done both things and still nothing
I am not getting xp in game. I don't think I hit the xp cap cause I never received the alert saying I did. is there a way to check if you hit the cap?
is it me or should the pants be black on the uni and not grey
I just noticed this in my franchise. the cpu had 3 early season trades but then nothing after that not even in July before the trade deadline. the only trade was from me trading with the cpu
ok so I know how to setup the cge settings but I am curious to how it works like how does it compute the settings you want cause the setting I have don't seem to happen. it's not clear enough in explanation. like I have 1st inning medium situation but I get low situation entries or vise versa. low situation and get medium situation entries
if I complete a conquest map and get all the hidden items, if I do the map again will I still get the hidden items or not?
I got the 1st drop but the next 4 I am still waiting on
not getting xp
not getting xp
not getting xp
not getting xp
Corbin Burnes bug
not getting xp
not getting xp
not getting xp
not getting xp
not getting xp
not getting xp
Tampa Bay city connect uni
Trades broken
Custom Game Entry
Twitch Drops