@anthonyp0520_PSN yeah if it’s not fixed by tomorrow I will be requesting a refund customer service is actually terrible at this point

@SDS_JoeK_PSN this is getting ridiculous we need some feedback on what’s going on I’m about ready to get a refund
@anthonyp0520_PSN definitely should be this is ridiculous
Been trying to play since 1pm getting very irritated that I spent $100 to not be able to play please get this fixed
@SDS_JoeK_PSN please can we get this fixed
I have the same issue please can we get this fixed I spent $100 to not be able to play
Network Error Squad not found for the show 25
Network Error Squad not found for the show 25
Network Error Squad not found for the show 25
Network Error when loading Diamon Dynasty
Network Error Squad not found for the show 25
Network Error Squad not found for the show 25