Hey man I just want to say very well written article! I happened on this site the other day after playing the game and everything you said was spot on and still is, four months later. Complete proof sds only cares about money. I'm a brand new player and not a complete moron- I've finished all conquests minus mays and Tebow and I've only been on a month and a half and didn't need YouTube- I can think for myself. I saw a thread where someone said they've been playing for years and haven't figured it out so I understand the audience. Video games are supposed to be fun and this isn't, id spend money to buy a player if it was but no matter who you have if you're new or inexperienced there's no reason to open the wallet. I had a dude talk trash to me because he beat me 2-1. He had reggie Jackson and other folks, I gave up 2 hits with 74 Frankie montas. Dude thought he was tough, pitching duels are cool when you're playing the best- when you're [laying a scrub like you 23-22 games are fun-isn't that why we buy, to have fun?