I agree. How it hasn’t been fixed yet blows my mind.

@chuckclc_psn said in "Item is currently in use":
Take him off your event line up. Whether you are playing the event or not he's there. BR doesn't matter. That lineup won't affect your inventory.
That was it. Much appreciated, bro.
But... it's not.
Trying to sell Gehrig, but I keep getting this message. He's not in any of my lineups. I've closed the game, backed out of DD... Nothing.
Someone please help.
@evylshaun_psn said in Finest Trea Turner:
Turner at 2nd in your build. Mookie has run his course.
Not a chance. Mookie is still lights out. Sometimes attributes are just numbers.
@dbub_psn said in Please baby Jesus, give Pujols the good swing.:
Pujols at 3rd.
HELTON at 1B. No one ever mentions him. But he's my best online hitter, regardless of position.
Helton is so good, and so slept on. One of the most underrated cards.
@bri_25_psn said in Sds please please please:
Yeah it's officially any groundball to second now. Hope you never hit one there or a freeze will ensue. Best of luck to all and know that anyone getting beat will wait you out. Have now lost 12 games in the last 2 days due to this
I was in one the other night while up 5-1, and the dude wanted me to quit. Not gonna happen. If I'm losing, I'll quit. If you're losing, you should do the same. Period.
I just told him I was out of town for the next two days, and would just leave my XBox on, so it was up to him. He quit like three minutes later. Lol.
I agree with you, but I don't play the game for XP. I just want those W's. I could care less about my 47th Home Run Derby pack of the year.
Content is good. As a first year XBox player, it's been very fun, and quite the breath of fresh air from the abomination that is 2k.
I do think they should have put a set reward for completing all of the Team Affinity's, as well as the POTM. I was under the impression that both would have a lock in at the end, otherwise I would've never grinded all of that [censored] out, even though they obviously give you a lot of cards for collections.
Which brings me to my last point. I really wish they would've given Junior some sick [censored] card art. With the amount of stubs and time that goes into the end game collection, it should be the sickest looking card out there. Instead they give it the awful blank slate of the Milestone set, which is by far my least favorite of the year. Just a blank background with writing. Who thinks of this [censored]? Card art needs some serious improvements next year.
@chuckclc_psn said in Ken Griffey Jr:
@eatyum_psn said in Ken Griffey Jr:
@chuckclc_psn said in Ken Griffey Jr:
I actually made money. I am at 15 of 16 though as I am gonna use finest as the last. But I was way over prepared, especially in the Milestone collection. So I sold off a ton of cards I know I am not gonna use, and made about 700k profit.
Same, I sold off about 2.1m of cards
Plus had the 90 points in all 6 divisions right away without doing a thing. Except for the collecting and exchanging lol. Takes a little while I guess. Now tons of packs to open. I will save that for later after I get back home.
How did you have 90 right away?
Edit: I see it now, my bad. I didn't even notice the collections.
I've tried three times now to load one up, and every time it has let me draft my team, pick my perks, and set my lineup. But when I try to go into the first moment, it says "Your Opponent had an invalid roster".
Anyone else having this problem?
@nymets1987_psn said in Flash sale packs:
@ericulous1_psn said in Flash sale packs:
Awesome. So none at 5? Is there a stub sale too? I am curious just to see what cards drop and go up as people spend in a flurry.
None at 5 and yes stub sale on PlayStation I believe
It's on XBox, too.
Mini Seasons Filter
"Item is currently in use"
"Item is currently in use"
Finest Trea Turner
Please baby Jesus, give Pujols the good swing.
Sds please please please
Is SDS 'shooting themselves in the foot'
Overall impressions...W or L
Ken Griffey Jr
TA5 Showdown glitched?
Flash sale packs