@petravork alright I'm with you now hahaha definitely a 12 year old or something

@petravork chill b he's just asking
Definitely helped me also, I just completed it finally. I had 15-9 going into the final. Facing Feller you just have to be really patient do not compromise wait for the fastball up and crush!
@VEGAS__T said in What the heck is going on?:
You’re using directional that’s your problem lol. Go zone with buttons, change camera to strike zone and enjoy all the W’s
Me and all my friends live by this, strike zone 3 or strike zone high is the GOAT
it's puss lefties that leave the ball up if you stay disciplined. Just try to sit there and crush it when its there
If HR/9 doesn't matter then why is it still in the game?
If HR/9 doesn't matter then why is it still in the game?
Showdown success story
What the heck is going on?
Ivan Rodriguez Evolution Moment