So I use my xbox to play but I had 22 on my switch and had it linked to my xbox. I got 23 on my xbox not my switch. They are still linked and I made hella progress on DD. When the roster update happened. I am no longer able to play due to server exception. Could this be because I had never bought on the switch. I unlinked my switch but was able to play but dont want to have to restart all of my DD progress? I really dont want to spend $60 if possible

Nobody has mentioned Pete alonso like hes playing insane
I have had this issue since the recent roster update. SDS has said I am not banned but what they give you doesnt work to fix the issue, Then they say "I am escalating it and then you dont hear back
Ive had same issue since beginning of recent roster update. SDS support is no help on this issue so good luck
I have my switch Cross platform progession
POTM for April Guesses
Need help I’m on ps5 busybg . The show 23 server won’t let me go online..
Server issue