SDS is that you? is this motivation patch 1.6 ?

@CEZdominatesAD said in Too many complaints. Years ago there were no updates. Stop crying:
The new generation of gamers cry and cry and cry. So sad. I’m 35 and been gaming forever. This needs to be patched that needs to be patched. Imagine playing games and some one disconnects and doesn’t get the loss cuz he was winning (mlb the show on ps 2) What about when u would kick a fg in madden people could unplug and replay the Ethernet cord and [censored] up the connection. How about having to play all of the horrible NBA live games that were painful to play?
Stop crying and win games.So, are you saying people should just spend there hard earned cash like good little sheeple and don’t report gameplay issues ? Not sure what your point is.... I’m glad people point out flaws in the game, in the end it can make for a better game ...
@j9milz said in Wanna know what I love about this game?:
My favorite is when playing the cpu and how alert and urgent they are when throwing the ball in. Yet my outfielders take their time and throw lobs with 90+ arm strength. Lol
Lol that’s funny... The lack of urgency drives you crazy sometimes... THROW THE EFFIN BALL!!!
Pitching hitting duel is what baseballs is all about, you gotta get that part right... Not saying fielding or base running isn’t important, it is, but the pitchers hitters duel is super important... Pitching accuracy should be improved
bolded text@theu715 said in Randomized hitting.:
How about fixing pitching? The randomness of pitching has made things even worse. Go back and play MLB 17 or even 18 and see how many times you hit your spot and the pitch goes middle middle or hangs up a ton when you’re throwing below the zone. Hitting will always be somewhat random, but pitching should be 100% user input based as far as pitches going to the location you’re throwing to.
Truth ... Pitching in 19 is a step back from 18, random meatballs even with perfect placement is annoying... 18 that didn’t happen..
Real life baseball game as much as possible, with user control of course being a big part, but hitting should be a simulation, higher rated batters should make a difference even when squaring up... Pitching should be accurate, higher rated pitchers even more accurate...
Directional hitting feels like real baseball, that’s how it is when your batting for real, timing, try to hit the ball where they aren’t, bat on ball ... When you use directional hitting sometimes they miss even with perfect timing, so it’s not some huge advantage, it just feels more like real baseball... I can’t stand trying to line some curser up with the ball, it feels like an arcade game doing that .... I say leave all options available for how someone prefers it ...
@ZABEN2583 said in Post Here If...: DON'T use the PCI. I never have, as I find it distracting. I think I'm just old school. However, I am curious who else doesn't.
I only use directional hitting, It’s more like real batting... when you’re actually hitting in real baseball you don’t have some PCI thing to line up, it’s bat on ball, timing.... PCI makes it so cheesy in my opinion ...
Shame they had the fielding good in 2019 for the most part, no reason to go backwards in 2020...
@tylerslikewhoa said in This game defense is an absolute joke:
If you play better you will notice that you won't have any issues.
Playing better won't overcome programming errors...
@joshjays44 said in Genuine Question for SDS:
@Scarletgospel said in Genuine Question for SDS:
@tylerslikewhoa said in Genuine Question for SDS:
Greatest baseball
️ game ever created. I am sure they are more than happy
No judgment, no hate for SDS, but you are a straight up sycophant and troll.
He's right, it is the best Baseball game cause it requires might like RBI Baseball better because its more simple and easier to pick up.
So hitting the pitch meter perfectly while aiming outside of the strike zone only to watch the ball hang right down the middle of the plate is skill ?
Just picked it up, yeah it needs some work, but it's not as bad as people have been making it out to be... NOW that being said I mainly play franchise offline so the online complaints I'm sure are valid, I won't challenge any of that... BUT speaking from an offline franchise perspective, this game has hope and it's not the disaster I was kinda expecting from reading so much... fielding needs work, diving to stop infield hits is almost useless because it's like you're a backstop now, not someone actually fielding the ball, something very satisfying about diving to stop and infield hit and throwing from a knee over to first, and so far I never field the ball, it just bounces off me, and that needs to be addressed.... Pitching needs better accuracy, another thing they really need to polish, I use the pitching meter because of my love for MVP 2005, I've always liked that system and in the Show so many times it just doesn't even come close to the mark you put it on even if you NAIL the accuracy, so that needs work... Hitting is ok, crack of the bat sounds cool, timing is legit, I have no major issue there, other than the hitting could be toned down a bit... I love the new presentation other than the crowd, which still mindlessly cheers like a soccer game in Brazil... Baseball is a slow game with moments of excitement so the crowd could definitely be more realistic.... But the presentation is faster, on hybrid it's like hybrid now, the flash replay is faster, nicer, and I love the scoreboard being in the bottom right, and it's nice not having that logo constantly flashing in your face, and when it does now it's fast and not as annoying and definite doesn't happen as much... Overall franchise offline is better than I expected, it needs some polishing so hopefully it can be with the fielding and pitching, but overall I'm cool with the purchase so far, I like some of the stuff they've done.....
Show 17 is a solid version, still enjoy it today... Love the gameplay in that one..
Yeah it still needs patching big time... The thing that drives me crazy is not being able to dive and make a play, this wasn't an issue in other versions so I"m wondering how that took a step back... I literally have NEVER fielded one ground ball while diving, it just bounces off me like I"m a backstop ...
@EmoneyBags06 said in What are the Odds of a Patch this Week?:
@boogiewithstu2 said in What are the Odds of a Patch this Week?:
Patches are coming, guaranteed... I’d say 50/50 for this week, but they’re gonna keep rolling in ...
Can only hope it fixes some wanted changes...
Definitely.... We all want a good baseball experience
@A_PerfectGame said in Yea I know I’m a complainer:
@BIGWEB52 said in Yea I know I’m a complainer:
So in your mind , in the history of baseball , every single time a player has made good contact or perfect contact , they have gotten a hit ?
@DeckerCurtis2002 said in Yea I know I’m a complainer:
@BIGWEB52 said in Yea I know I’m a complainer:
I don’t think the game is bad . I think it just needs a good patch . I think hitting and pitching are terrible right now , but People get so obsessed with there contact and pci placement. Baseball is a game where even the best players in the world fail 7 out of 10 times at the dish . You should NOT get a hit or HR every time you get “good-good” or “perfect-good “ or whatever . This is a SIM game , not arcade . The only thing that would be worse then the state of the game right now , would be if every “good-good” got you a hit . Jesus every game would be 23-27 with 35 hits a side and take 2 hours to do . Yes the game should reward good contact but it should be rewarding it 25-35% of the time .
I completely disagree with this. The reason MLB players fail 7 out of 10 times is because they don't get "good good" with their swing. If they got "good good" every time they would do significantly better than a hit every 3 out of 10 at-bats. MLB players fail 70% of the time because they either mess up their timing or they don't square up the baseball. However when a hitter squares up a 96 mph pitch it NEVER leaves the bat at 85 mph.
Stop with “real baseball”
This is a video game of controller SKILL. And In order to have SKILL one must place the pci accurately on the ball with good timing. The players that do that with the controller MORE SHOULD HAVE MORE SUCCESS. Period end of discussion. You want a sim. Go play offline. This is competitive gaming. Well it’s not. It’s a random hunk of trash.
The person making better inputs should win 100% of the time. No if ands buts about it. That is in fact THE POINT OF THE GAME. Not to make you feel like you are Ozzie albies.
Of course skill should play a big roll, but it’s not as black and white as you’re making it out to be.... Player stats must play a roll, otherwise think how ridiculous the game would play, it would be a base hit or home run simulator... It wouldn’t make a difference if you’re batting with Griffey or some scrub player... Pitching needs to be improved, start there so random meatballs aren’t being served up, then adjust hitting to make it balanced....
@joshjays44 said in FIELDING SUCKS:
@boogiewithstu2 said in FIELDING SUCKS:
@joshjays44 said in FIELDING SUCKS:
@boogiewithstu2 said in FIELDING SUCKS:
Shame they had the fielding good in 2019 for the most part, no reason to go backwards in 2020...
This year's fielding has better real life people want it too acrady and that's a problem.
No not arcady, realistic... just like last year when it first dropped and routine plays were getting pooched all the time, they addressed it and the fielding was decent in 2019 .... Now I’m seeing butter fingers all over the place ...
Dude, you're missing the point...the fielding this year is realistic in its real world actions...well as real as any of the other years.
No it’s not, errors are ridiculous, routine pops ups not locking on, it’s like playing JR High fielding, they don’t play like pro players..
This is why I waited to purchase this year, and this is probably what I’ll do every year from now on, just wait for a sale ... Yearly released games just aren’t worth the $ ... I really like the Show overall, but it’s slowly turning into a game where $ is all that matters...
2017 is a solid version though, still play it today... I like the pitchers hitters duel in that game, it also has solid fielding...
So are you telling me the Mariners will be tied for first place all year ? YES!!!! Finally, a winning season !!
Played my first game :)
Too many complaints. Years ago there were no updates. Stop crying
Wanna know what I love about this game?
Gameplay is subjective, I think people here forget that
Randomized hitting.
Who bought this game as a simulation of baseball
SDS please remove Directional Hitting from Competitive Online play
Post here if you don't use PCI...
This game defense is an absolute joke
Genuine Question for SDS
This game has hope
This fielding is still very broken
What are the Odds of a Patch this Week?
Yea I know I’m a complainer
So Disappointed in SDS
MLB The Show 21 Time for a Change!
Gentlemen, I don't believe we will have an MLB season...