May sound weird but if looking for a Ps5 try Qvc, and you could break down the price in installments

Hated getting “springered” hahaha
Havent gotten any from the weekend yet, still waiting hahaha
Havent gotten any packs from yesterday either
Yea they are delayed for me as well
Pulled 95 prime Cliff Floyd and then Soto and Alonso home run derby, i’ll take it!
It literaly says “x1” next to the card you have and “new” next to the one you dont
I did and was happy that i did!
Swing at a bad pitch and you will get another pitch that may be hittable, dont wait for the perfect pitch, swing the bat, what do you have to lose?? All that happens is you may have to retry the moment
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Would you sell all star vlad to finish LS?
To everyone that's says it's my fault tot not being able to complete a Moment