Here are my thoughts.
Personally I don’t like the personality or the relationships. I just think they’re pointless, and the fact that your attributes increase because you have a friend on the team makes no sense to me. The conversations you have with teammates or opponents just get kind of annoying after the first 5 times doing them
They do need to make the entire mode deeper. I don’t want some kind of story like nba does, because those are usually really bad. My suggestion would also be a crib. I’d like a trophy case that you put all your awards in, many the game can take “photos” of you completing milestones, and then you have a photo wall in your house. As you make more money, you can buy more houses that all have different things you can buy.
Make money matter is my biggest complaint though. There are so many ways to do it, it’s kind of astonishing they haven’t implemented something yet
Fix fielding. There’s way to many occurrences of me “having to field” when I’m not involved in the play. Getting deduction on my reaction ability because I don’t want to run to the wall for a no doubt home run annoys me
Fix the base runner glitch. Randomly runners will just disappear from basepaths. And no it’s not them getting picked off when I’m swimming or anything like that. I just had a game where I was batting with a runner on first and no outs, got a single, and all of a sudden I was the only base runner with no outs. The next guy hit a home run. This issue has been present on this game for 4 or 5 years and has never been addressed
Have the announcers/stat overlays be more engaged with your career. Mention big games more frequently, mention past results against a pitcher etc
Finally, people may disagree, but I think your player improves way too quickly. By the start of my third year (2nd big league season) I was a 90 overall. It just seems way to quick for that
There’s plenty of minor things that can be improved too