The fielding sucks. I played yesterday my outfielders and my opponents fielders would sometimes run around the ball and let it fall.

I only play H2H online and except for the hitting I love it. I only play with the Dodgers and have for the last 10 years. I suffered thru some pretty bad years with them so It's been pretty nice lately. There's still to many guys that quit when you get ahead by a couple of runs but other then that most people are fun to play with and always give a good game.
I'm a 74 year old guy that has been playing for around 10 years. I play on all-star, all-star. I only play online head to head. I can't use any sliders in the settings and that is fine. The only problems I have with the game is the hitting. I seems that I'm late on EVERY fastball they throw. FIX the [censored] hitting on A-S and below please. You can speed the pitching up for the higher levels but give the average player a chance. It goes without saying the fielding needs to be fixed.
1.08 Thoughts?
Head to Head Online - still the best mode
1.09 Patch Discussion