My first (post tutorial) Diamond Quest experience (on Switch): I go through every square on the board to increase my odds, I get into the stadium game, the game becomes extremely laggy, I lose, I get nothing from an hour of gameplay. Cool beans.

I do like the change this year that you can restart a moment at any time. You don't have to wait for the fly ball to be caught, and thrown to a play at the plate, while your player looks dejected and slowly walks back to the dugout, pondering their existence.
@PsylockeSmythe_XBL The Now & Laters were vouchers for regular MLB 25 The Show packs. So, they won't look different.
I opened all of the packs, because 42 packs is for sure totally the amount that I earned. -
Probably one of the biggest things that annoys me that they need to fix, is how small of a window you have sometimes to pause the game & be able to pinch hit or pinch run. I get there's a pitch clock or whatever, but it's just dumb how fast that option can gray out.
Also, the outfield wall texture for Wrigley Field on the switch has looked terrible all year. Yuck. Let's not make that mistake again.
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN said in Moonshot Mini Seasons:
@JediEl1823_PSN said in Moonshot Mini Seasons:
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Moonshot Mini Seasons:
Anyone have any good common relief pitchers to use? Any good pitch mix to look out for
Get the Churino captain, and load up your team. He delivers offensive boosts to a lot of good cards, and when it comes to pitching boosting commons at Tier 3 that +20 to both K/9 and Pitching Clutch should be fantastic. That's my plan.
Can't use him. Doesn't have 100 power both sides.
You can use any hitters in mini seasons. They only restrict the pitchers.
Normally with showdowns you only have to get a couple runs against the "final boss".
Here, it's 6 runs. Idk, I have some trouble hitting lefty/lefty (no such trouble righty/righty) & you usually get at least a couple lefties in your lineup.
Sale wasn't too bad. His slider was really easy for me to track, but Skubal is a pain. -
I didn't really like that the first showdown was score 7 runs. Let's maybe tighten it up a bit.
That said, showdowns should be probably be an optional thing, because we all have one pitcher we struggle against, and if they decide to make showdowns a requirement for most programs, that's gonna be an issue.
(btw, congrats if you hit 600 ft bombs on every pitcher who throws 103mph fastball, followed up with a 71mph off speed pitch) -
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN It wasn't just the app. I bought a pack in-game & it didn't mention the pack being no sell either.
I mean, I figured there was a good chance it was a no sell, since the original was no sell, but just saying. -
Had to choice of Luis Robert or Jim Rice & then David Wright or Sosa. Took Rice & Wright. I was already going to collect Wright for the Finest Collection, so the cards being no sell is NBD, and he's over 40k, so the price is fine, with a bonus card.
Usually when I'm relaxed & think winning isn't that important to me, I don't rage quit out of games.
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Small Update - Career Tribute Program Moments Changes:
Well I hope the decision was made due to hard data and not just internet complaints.
I wonder if they have data showing how many more attempts were made it at least the percentage of those who tried and failed.
I am happy for those who can now complete it but a little miffed that I spent some of my playing time over the weekend completing them all in their original form
I remember countless sessions, measuring hours of my time trying to get 10 TB on all star with Pujols so that I could earn a single Jim Edmonds card in moments extreme years ago.
Either it's "rewarding" to challenge yourself to do difficult things, and that's reward in itself. Or it "sucks" to waste hours of your time trying the same challenge over and over again, and you should get extra head pats for going through that.
You guys should probably make up your minds about which it is. -
I'm fine that they made it easier. It's not like I got it done using skill, I just randomly got a hanging inside slider after like a hundred at bats.
@sbchamps17_NSW I think I got it in my head that you're actually supposed to do something, like with timing. But now I get that you literally just tap the button and then the CPU does everything.
I've watched a dozen videos and I still have no idea how to successfully steal bases.
Y'all enjoy your card. As for me, I'll need to make about 300 attempts to get to 50 SB.
I've hit into the gap, over the fielder's head, into the corner as perfectly as I possibly can and been thrown out by a country mile every time. Unless the right fielder knocks himself unconscious, I don't see how this one is gonna happen. Might have to start swinging for an early/good.
@UnsaferRainbows_XBL I got a bit confused by that too. It's not like a normal moment, you control the baserunners.
I didn't realize until after I hit a double into the gap & the runner didn't come home. It's not glitched, they just set it up in a way that no one would expect them to. -
I started with Lowe. I'm sure I'll switch to Cruz once I unlock a bunch of the S3 cards, but for now, most of the live series cards that are favorites fit the Lowe captain.
The thing with Madden is, it's actually useful to have a 6'7" tall Strong Safety, or a big O-lineman at running back. There is no utility or advantage to having a 6'10" Left Fielder. So, I'm not really sure how they'll make this fun, and make these cards people want to use, beyond the novelty of "That guy isn't really a pitcher".
Determined or not, there's always a moment or two that is just not something I can do, short of relearning how to play the game an entirely different way, and Moments of Glory requires every moment get done, with no alternative moments or routes to take.
I'll try some moments, get some cards/xp, but will not plan on getting those headstart points. -
These Gwynn moments were kind of hilarious. I must've hit 25 singles in a row, before the outfielder finally dove for a fly ball, missed, and I was able to collect an extra base hit. Certainly wasn't going to happen any way other than by fluke.
The 3 hit mission I got on the first try.
Diamond Quest could really use some improvements
[censored] Allen Moment
Now and later
Changes For The Show 25
Moonshot Mini Seasons
Mandatory showdown for Milestone program
Halloween Program and Mandatory Showdown
Flash Sale today
Extreme Pack in shop
Small Update - Career Tribute Program Moments Changes
Season 3 Collection Update & Minor Content Changes (9/24)
Milestone Shohei
Milestone Shohei
Clemente Moment 1
Idk why I bother
Cornerstone Captain
Out of position players coming?
Blog says moonshot program for headstart, but image shows moments of glory
Gywnn Confirmed