Alright, I know I'm two years late to share this information. I know that the 2023 and 2024 iterations of the title have already since been released. And I know that (as of this post) we're already in the middle of the real-life MLB season.
I get it.
But my mind gets immersed in stupid things that get me into stupid endeavors, such as wanting to know the rest of the nicknames when upgrading a loadout to gold level in RTTS mode on MLB the Show 22. (Why '22? Because that's the one I bought for $17.99 in December '22. Sue me for being cheap, unemployed, and wanting to save my money.) Now after some searching I saw that a person had listed the trio of nicknames when the primary loadout is a position player while another Redditor had gone through upgrading nearly every attribute for all six pitching loadouts (minus Knucksie because, well, Knucksie). And while some articles, blogs, reviews, and guides had provided some details, I still hadn't seen some other nicknames.
Well, I took the bullet and decided to find out for myself.
The following is the list of every loadout available in MLB the Show 22. I know most people have moved on from the title but apparently not everyone seeing as I see a lot of equipment items being sold at fluctuating amounts (Jordan batting gloves are overrated when considering other batting gloves yield the same boosts but cost way less Stubs).
Enjoy. Please, for the love of god, every god, and all the gods. And if you're not about god, then at least for the time I spent. Thanks!
Velocity (Break) = Filthy Cheese / The Big Train
Velocity (Control) = Painted Cheese / The Kitchen Sink
Break (Velocity) = Cheesy Filth / The Houdini
Break (Control) = Painted Filth / Pedro
Control (Velocity) = Cheesy Painter / Billy the Kid
Control (Break) = Filthy Painter / The Professional
Knucksie (Break) = The Knucksie
Velocity (Power) = Cheesy Slugger / Swolhei
Velocity (Contact) = Cheesy Sparkplug / Bullet
Velocity (Fielding) = Cheesy Slickster / The 8th Commandment
Break (Power) = Filthy Slugger / Shotime
Break (Contact) = Filthy Sparkplug / El Diablo
Break (Fielding) = Filthy Slickster / Double Duty
Control (Power) = Painting Slugger / Harada
Control (Contact) = Painting Sparkplug / Mastodon
Control (Fielding) = Painting Slickster / Monarch
Knucksie (Power) = Slugging Knucksie / Chupacabra
Knucksie (Contact) = Sparking Knucksie / Fisticuffs
Knucksie (Fielding) = Slick Knucksie / Cool Papa
Power (Fielding) = Slick Slugger / The Showboat
Power (Contact) = Sparking Slugger / The Duke
Power (Speed) = Speedy Slugger / The Anomaly
Contact (Fielding) = Slick Sparkplug / The Dart
Contact (Power) = Slugging Sparkplug / The Tool Shed
Contact (Speed) = Speedy Sparkplug / The Spoke
Fielding (Power) = Slugging Slickster / El Mago
Fielding (Contact) = Sparking Slickster / The Wizard
Fielding (Speed) = Speedy Slickster / The Fly Chaser