They are all very doable. The must trouble you will probably have is on the HR/XBH moments. The AI is going to walk you a lot and you'll probably get hit by more than a few pitches. I got up to 2 HR's with Yelich multiple times only to walked/HBP/etc. The rest are just winning games against AI.
@TheGoaler said in Another L from SDS:
@bempfis said in Another L from SDS:
How exactly is this an L? It's more content that SDS is providing for free. If you don't like any of the new cards then don't play the moments, it's simple. Not surprised at the amount of entitlement every time SDS decides to give us more free stuff that doesn't have maxed attributes.
I would say 'L' as in Letdown if anything.
This Gehrig program is a loss as in loss of mind, lol.
Some of this will be tough af! Did i see all MLB teams on the small Extreme Conquest map??! I do love the challenge, for sure. The Ruth program gave me hope to hit on HOF.
The saving grace is not everyone needs Lou or the other two this late in the season.
MLB '20 is my GOTY, and i play a lot of other games. Amazing content all season, SDS.
You can say it's a win to see what the Youtube providers/greats at this game will do because they will make vids of this program.I think saying that it's a letdown is a fair assessment considering what a lot of people in the community were hoping for as rewards and what we got (e.g. having Gehrig as a reward when babe was just released not too long ago). But considering how much more annoying the moments were last year and how much worse the rewards were, I can't complain.
How exactly is this an L? It's more content that SDS is providing for free. If you don't like any of the new cards then don't play the moments, it's simple. Not surprised at the amount of entitlement every time SDS decides to give us more free stuff that doesn't have maxed attributes.
Batting difficulty vs CPU is not the same against online players. So pitches will be slightly faster than at whatever difficulty you normally play on.
It's bad but it's really not that bad either. It's on Hall of Fame so it's not a completely insufferable slog and it's a good opportunity to prestige pitchers.
@MaxHarvest said in TA 3 reveal thread:
@bempfis said in TA 3 reveal thread:
Free content is free content, but my goodness do these FotF cards look absolutely awful. I would not be able to tell the difference between these and some of the custom card art I've seen floating around. It wouldn't have hurt to make them look decent like the SS or prime cards.
Card art is super lazy and not aesthetic for how hyped they have made this TA- it’s fotf but with legends, just looks bad imo. The future star design was fresh, as are most of the others like prime , SS, award series. Regardless of the stats, the cards look like they suck
My assumption is that the TA3 rewards are not SS/prime/awards etc because SDS is eventually going to add a Honus Wagner like collection requiring a variety of such cards. So in order to make sure the price of a card like last years Honus stays high they did not want to include those cards in Team Affinity. But who knows maybe we'll see some in TA4. Either way they could have still put more work into making the art on these new TA rewards look much better.
Free content is free content, but my goodness do these FotF cards look absolutely awful. I would not be able to tell the difference between these and some of the custom card art I've seen floating around. It wouldn't have hurt to make them look decent like the SS or prime cards.
@eatyum said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@bempfis said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@bhall09 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS can you just clarify one thing: does this affect the way we hit or is it just a change in the feedback we see?
Clarification isn't needed, re-read the patch notes. Nowhere is it stated that changes have been made to hitting.
I'm not sure, the wording is a bit confusing, like this
"The new system accounts for these nuances in a more reliable way. Better hitters should now generate more 'Good' hits, and 'Good' hits are more consistently valuable than they were in the previous system"I think we do need clarification.
Right, which falls under their "improvements" to the contact result. So it's basically another feedback change.
@bhall09 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS can you just clarify one thing: does this affect the way we hit or is it just a change in the feedback we see?
Clarification isn't needed, re-read the patch notes. Nowhere is it stated that changes have been made to hitting.
Extreme Moments
Another L from SDS
Another L from SDS
Why do pitches look faster in some games than others?
Dead ball event
TA 3 reveal thread
TA 3 reveal thread
Update 1.13 Discussion
Update 1.13 Discussion