I can access it from the console but not the webapp.
Won't let me log in. Here's the message: An error occurred!
Sorry, something went wrong.
Please check the Community Forums here or report your issue here.
....hence why I'm here...
I can access it from the console but not the webapp.
Won't let me log in. Here's the message: An error occurred!
Sorry, something went wrong.
Please check the Community Forums here or report your issue here.
....hence why I'm here...
@ImDFC said in Showdown Draft error:
@Ballgame59 said in Showdown Draft error:
@ImDFC said in Showdown Draft error:
I had that one as well for 1st inning. Just had to eat the 500 stubs and try again
Hey, I'm curious....can you start multiple Showdowns? I'll just leave the 1st inning one until they fix it but was wondering if I could start one of the Division Showdowns. It looked like there are multiple "tabs" at the top of the page like you could.
Yes. I had an NL East and a 1st inning showdown up earlier. failed both because I hate everything
[censored] Golly man...sorry but I'm sure you'll get it. Once you like things again. And thanks the info. Gonna try and make myself miserable after dinner.
@ImDFC said in Showdown Draft error:
I had that one as well for 1st inning. Just had to eat the 500 stubs and try again
Hey, I'm curious....can you start multiple Showdowns? I'll just leave the 1st inning one until they fix it but was wondering if I could start one of the Division Showdowns. It looked like there are multiple "tabs" at the top of the page like you could.
Thanks for the replies. Is everyone reporting this bug? https://theshow.sonysandiegostudio.games/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003007534
Just spent 500 stubs for the 1st inning Showdown and there are no players to draft. I just played the Starter one and it worked just fine. I filled out a Bug report however I was wondering if anyone else having this issue?
I just checked and they're there.
I think they would have said "On-line franchise" if it was actually a Franchise format. Especially in light of how disappointed many of us were when they removed it. You'd think they'd be excited to let us know that it's back. I am glad that there is a multi season option though.
So you mean to tell me you've never seen devs do away with a mode or gameplay feature then rebrand it a couple years later? Lmao.. You gotta be a pre-teen lol.. NBA 2K's MyLeague was called ONLINE ASSOCIATION MODE 4 years before it returned... Madden CFM was not all ways CONNECTED FRANCHISE! It's pretty obvious that they changed the name to give it a fresh take on the community that whines and cries about everything.. Not only that, there's more to it now! This was a genius idea! People who buy packs will now be able to experience what we've had for years.. The player count will go through the roof now and just wait until it hits the new XBOX!! Our mode is back better than ever.. Some people were born ungrateful so I leave it at that.. If you're one of the ones that felt left out 2 years in a row then you shouldn't have a [censored] thing to say about what it's called what it Intels! Just be thankful.
Nope....never played NBA or any 2K games. And actually, I'll be 52 in a few weeks .....But while that's entirely possible, I believe that they would't do "rebrand" for FULL CF until the next gen. Just my opinion. But this looks promising. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2020/02/25/mlb-the-show-20-introduces-online-custom-leagues/
I think they would have said "On-line franchise" if it was actually a Franchise format. Especially in light of how disappointed many of us were when they removed it. You'd think they'd be excited to let us know that it's back. I am glad that there is a multi season option though.
As much as I hope it's full franchise, I fear that it's not. The next Live stream schedule states - "New Custom Leagues, competitive events and Legend reveal in this developer live stream! Simple and flexible leagues with your friends...".
This new mode we'll hear about Thursday. Hoping on-line franchise is back.