Filled out the little questionnaire thingy
The issue with Felix is all of his offspeed stuff is the same speed, so it’s literally just sit fast/slow greinke has multiple pitch speeds including the big slow curve. Greinke is a much better card IMO
I pulled kemp, luckily already had him so made a nice 70k profit would of made more with the dib man but no complaints. Pretty much guaranteed to pull realmuto tonight though
He isn’t. Flat fastball not enough speed differential.
Mondesi for sure
Turn on throw cancellation in the settings
I pulled 3 diamonds from the HL packs this round too. 2 realmutos and Altuve
but 3 diamonds in 5 packs is still cool I guess even though I lost stubs haha
$170 bucks 1ms response time. Have had mine for a few weeks. It’s pretty great.
Also has built in speakers if you don’t want to use headphones all the time.
It’s definitely one of the top 3 monitors on the market under $500. Definitely do your research. After a couple of days of looking this is what I decided on. Good luck!
30 team HOF league - play starting 2-May
Grienke or Felix
Share Pulls From the Flash Sale Pack
Bret Saberhagen
Best swing ? Fav swing ? Need suggestions
Fake/cancel throw
Let the Nice try Ramone's commence
Buying a monitor