I would love it if they fixed the freeze offs, made it a full roster so you dont get some golds in the lineup, and they made more rewards or paths to get better cards by playing with your friends. Madden does this great with their MUT squads.
Start a playstation party. Go into co-op screen where it says invite a friend. instead of clicking the + icon go into the playstion party screen and scroll over to invite party to game. This worked all day with my friends playing 3v3. We all had PS5's granted idk if that makes a difference. Hop that helps!
uninstall it then reinstall the game should fix it
Played 3 3v3 co-op games last night all resulted in freeze offs. My team stayed and did not quit any of them as we did not want the cool downs. The other team quit each one. My team and i received loses for all 3 games and we were literally winning all 3 games. This game is a joke right now. Co-op is so fun if it actually worked. Submitted multiple tickets with no responses.
I think its time to give Trea back his original card. Dude is absolutely tearing it up and its laughable that he is an 85. If not give me a may monthly card to make up for it.
I won a championship in mini seasons and after the last game it kicked me out. The game proceeded to say " there was an unhandled server exception" and still wont let me back into mini seasons. I got no rewards or anything. Started a ticket and i guarantee they dont do anything about it. Dont understand how grinding for hours turning into absolutely nothing is acceptable for a game.
How many packs you gambling on night 1? I just traded in the ole PS4 and Xbox series S and have $400 worth of playstion store dollas. Do i rip 250 packs??
co op
Can’t play co-op ranked
Challenge failed
Trea Turner
Why wasn't mini seasons bugs fixed during downtime.
Ripping Packs Night 1